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[Synopsis: Player unwittingly ate something with a lot of milk in it for lunch, and now the lactose intolerant bean feels downright awful. Fortunately, his sister knows how to deal with a situation like this.(INCOMING SIBLING FLUFF!!!)]

[Location: The Skeld]


"Hey, Veteran!"

"Hm? Oh, hey, Dum, what's up?"

Dum was approaching Veteran as he finished up his last task for the day, sipping on a can of Dr Pepper as he flipped the Storage trash lever down, emptying its contents out into space.

"Do you know where Player is? He hasn't been around since lunchtime, and I wanted to show him this meme I found!"

"Yoooo, I love memes! Mind if I see it too?"

Dum tapped her her phone screen to play the video and showed it to him, stifling her giggles with her hand over her mouth.

"Here, watch these cats..."

"Oh my God, did it just scream!?!"


Both of them doubled over wheezing a moment later, and they stood there laughing for several long moments before Veteran finally spoke up again.

"Player's gonna love that."

"Hee hee...Eh...You know where he is?"

"Oh, right, you asked me that earlier. Sorry. Goldfish brain, remember?"

"It's okay, Veteran."

"Heh...Yeah, uh, you remember what we had for lunch today?"

"Some of Stoner's creamy three-herb tomato soup? Ohhh, yeah...That was delicious, wasn't it?"

"Sure was...Unfortunately, Stoner didn't know that Player was lactose intolerant, and that soup turned out to have quite a bit o' milk in it."


"Yeah...If you're lookin' for him, he's probably in his room by now. It didn't take long for him to start feeling off, so he told me he was gonna be in the bathroom for a while, but he wasn't in there last time I checked. That's why he hasn't been out here doing the rest of his tasks."

"...I'm gonna go check up on him," she told him, turning to head to the dormitory of the Skeld. "I'll tell you how he is!"

"Thanks, Dum, you do that!"

As Veteran's voice faded, she made her way through the hall and towards her younger brother's door...The light was on in his room, so she knocked on it lightly...No audible response, so she decided to open his door and peer inside.

"...Player?" she called out quietly, prying the door open some more. "Are you in here?"


She heard a response that time, and decided to look into the room all the way...She saw him curled up on his bed, his back facing her. Dum quietly shut the door behind her as she entered and approached his bedside, making her way around the mattress so that she could see his face.

...She frowned when she saw him. He was clutching his stomach, and the look in his eyes was pained and fatigued.

"Are you okay, little bro?"

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now