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*this has been ready to post for like a week now, and i know i only posted the last chapter yesterday, but i didn't want to wait to share all of this anymore. XD*

Guess what time it is, fellas?

Thaaaat's right!


*proceeds to sing the muffin song really really off key like a doofus*

lol, naw.

It's time for the next illustration compilation, and it's the biggest one yet!

So anyways, here's the deal; my tablet still has that stupid ghost touch thing, and I was actually unable to draw on it...or use it for ANYTHING else, for that matter.

The good news is, guess freakin' what? The same drawing program I used on my tablet is on my PC, AND IT HAS MORE FEATURES. So that's a pretty decent win.

I'll be using the computer for the art dumps for the time being! Maybe forever...? Because it works so much better? Idk, what happens happens, y'know.

Okay, that's enough gab; it's time for some ART! Enjoy! :D

Ria: *slaps bow on mr egg* this bad boi can fit so much f*ckin love and affection in it

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Ria: *slaps bow on mr egg* this bad boi can fit so much f*ckin love and affection in it.

*i swear tho, if the  a c t u a l  ria who donated during the charity livestream comes across this, i will hide under a rock in sheer humiliation*

*i swear tho, if the  a c t u a l  ria who donated during the charity livestream comes across this, i will hide under a rock in sheer humiliation*

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These guys know how to have fun

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These guys know how to have fun...However, Player is not always on the receiving end of the entertainment. XD

Also, assuming you noticed the style change, I'm trying out a new "smol style!" Everything is a bit more rounded off and the line art is softer. I might be using this for some of my over-the-top adorable works. u liek?

Look at this handsome fellow with his handsome birb

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Look at this handsome fellow with his handsome birb.

*i'm rather proud of the color transitioning on mango's well as his knowing expression, lol.

as well as his knowing expression, lol

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"Whatcha doin' Engie?"

"Oh, uh-Just looking to order some crystallized carbon..."


don't worry, gnome; engineer's not doing anything bad. it's supposed to be a surprise!(the biggest one of her life, really. XD)

*oh, and try not to read the text under those web links too hard. i needed to type something into there to make it look like an actual webpage.*

*...You looked, didn't you? 🤣*

Now, are you ready to see my most recently conjured ship?


too bad

ha ha, plangel go brrrrr

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ha ha, plangel go brrrrr


But seriously, I know not everything is on the mark, but HOW DID I PREDICT SO MUCH OF AUL 33 HERE!?!?!? Tan Sheriff, Rose being Rose, PLAYER WINNING!?!? I must be a freaking psychic...

Oh, and before this art dump ends, there's ONE MORE thing I made concerning a fan script I wrote a while back for you. I'm quite certain you'll love it.



Captasaur, Cheesemander & Wateran.

Captasaur, Cheesemander & Wateran

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Welp, you've reached the end of the Art Dump! See you later! :D

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