Chicken Soup

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[Synopsis: MrEgg is under the weather again, so TheGentleman and MrCheese to pay him a visit to cheer him up a bit. (Again, based off something I drew on DeviantART. XD)]

[Location: MrEgg's house]


MrEgg woke up with the familiar feeling of a stuffy head, and was greeted by a chill coursing through him as he sluggishly stepped out of bed and put his slippers on, shivering a little as he massaged his forehead.

He'd been half expecting to fall ill with something the past few days, seeing that he'd been out and about just when the cold front hit, running errands all over the place in the chilly, damp weather...Fortunately, whatever he had wasn't anything major; he'd woken up feeling worse before.

Of course, he still felt pretty bad, and it was obviously not a good idea to go to work today.

He called in sick and got the day off, then slowly made his way down stairs to make himself some chamomile tea, pulling his warm, fuzzy maroon night robe further around himself and shivering more...While his tea brewed, he called up TheGentleman to tell him he wouldn't be in the lobby that day.


"Hello, sir..."

"Ah, good morning, MrEgg. How are you today?"

"Not the best, I'm afraid. I've fallen a bit under the weather."

He coughed a bit and sniffled lightly before continuing.

"...I just called to ask if you could tell the others I won't be joining later today. I'm not feeling up to it."

"Oh dear," TheGentleman responded sympathetically. "...Don't worry, MrEgg, I'll do that for you. It's no trouble."

"Thank you, sir."

"How about MrCheese and I pop in later once the games are done to check up on you? I imagine you'd be rather lonely sitting at home all day by yourself."

"Are you sure? I...*sniff*...I don't want either of you to catch what I have."

"No worries, MrEgg. As long as we take the right precautions, we should be fine! I'll tell MrCheese once I get off with you and see what he thinks the best time to go would be. We don't have much to do today ourselves, really."

"Well...Thank you, TheGentleman. I really appreciate that."

"You just relax and keep yourself warm in the meantime," TheGentleman told him. "And leave the door unlocked for us, alright old chap?"

"Will do."

"Alright. Goodbye."


By the time the call ended, MrEgg's tea had finished brewing, so he took the bag out of his cup and stirred some honey into his beverage before slowly making his way to the foyer and unlocking the front door. He took a sip of his tea and went to the medicine cabinet to fetch a pair of antihistamine tablets, taking them with his hot beverage.

...That should start working within an hour or so.

He let out a congested sigh as he made his way back to bed, taking his night robe off before settling back down under the covers and propping his pillow up to lean back against while he sat up...He was glad to find that they were still warm from when he'd been lying in them, and that paired with his hot beverage made him feel a bit less chilly.

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