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[SYNOPSIS: MrCheese, Sheldon, NotOrange and Blue all find themselves trapped in a strange facility, where a mysterious figure hiding behind a mask tests their wit, willpower and cooperation. But the game master has no plans for his victims to be maimed or disfigured in this labyrinth of trials. No...but rather he will play with their pride, dignity, and sanity, and see if they can reach the end without killing each other themselves.]

[LOCATION: Nobody knows.]

TW: SrQueso is a very prevalent character in this story; in fact, he's the first one to show up.


"Man, what time is it...? Noon, huh? A'ight, good! Got a little while longer to spend in town before I go live, heh heh."

MrCheese continued to make his way down the pavement, window shopping a bit as he passed the stores along the way. He was scheduled to start a live podcast in just a few hours, so he wanted to make sure he was back home and set up by then...All he needed before he started making his way home was a liter of milk and a bag of mixed fun size candy; Halloween was only a week away, so he didn't want to wait until the last minute to get anything for trick-or-treaters like he had LAST year. Not to mention the fact that he needed a bit of inspiration before he went live.

"So much to talk about...but I'm blankin' today," the orange crewmate said to himself. "What am I gonna-?"


...The sound of something clanging against the ground suddenly caught his attention, and he looked down the alleyway between two of the small shops to see what it was.

"Huh...No one's gettin' mugged back here, are they?" he hoped as he went to investigate. "They better not be, or else I'll show 'em who's-"

He never finished his sentence.

Another loud bang sounded off and rattled in MrCheese's head, and everything went black just a moment later.


"My God, is it going to rain AGAIN?" NotOrange exclaimed. "Blue, why the heck did you think England was a good idea to vacay!?"

"Come on, dude, it's so full of history!" the cerulean crewmate in question replied to him. "And hey, the rain beats the heat back home, doesn't it? The cool scenery? The great food?"

"I'm sorry, did you say great food? That hotel we stayed at had baked beans on toast at their breakfast buffet and no waffle maker! How is that 'great food'??"

"Okay, so they're a little big on the beans. But what about the tea? The clotted cream, the scones, the fish 'n' chips?"

"But you don't even LIKE fish!"

"Not the way people make it back home. But here it's a completely different story. Y'know, we should hit up another cafe and see if they have-"


...Where the road ended, a noise sounded off and trailed off the beaten path where the shrubs grew a bit thicker.


"What was that...?" NotOrange wondered aloud. "Hm...Come on, Blue, let's check it out. Maybe it's some kind of cool animal."

"Oh, so NOW you're enthused," Blue retorted. "Why is it that you can't make up your mind whether or not you-?"

He never finished his sentence.

Each of the two crewmates felt their heads being shoved into one another, and the last thing either of them heard was that hollow CLONK sound of their skulls hitting one another before the world around them went dark.

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now