"Don't Ever Leave Me..."

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[Synopsis: Autophobia-the crippling fear of being alone. Especially for extended periods of time. It came as a surprise to TheGentleman that MrCheese just so happens to carry such a burden...And in a very startling manner.]

[Location: TheGentleman's house(does MrCheese also live there now? Maybe, idk.)]


"Busy this afternoon, aren't you, MrCheese?"

"Oh, heck yeah, TheGentleman" the orange-clad crewmate replied chipperly. "I've already cleaned up all the floors, dusted the knickknacks, decluttered the spice cabinet and fixed the broken sink! And now I'm whippin' us up some mac 'n' cheese casserole!"

"Good gracious. Well, I must say, you've certainly outdone yourself in terms of tidying up the place today; I'm quite impressed."

"Aw, thank you, that's really nice of you to say~!"

He stepped away from the kitchen counter for a moment to wrap TheGentleman into a hug. The receiver flinched for a moment, but was quick to relax and respond to the gesture, giving him a light pat on the head.

"Yes, yes, you're welcome, MrCheese. *ahem* ...Anyways, I was about to tell you that it has come to my attention that we're fresh out of laundry detergent, and down to the last bit of toothpaste. Among a few other minor things..."

"Yeah, we're gonna have to restock prob'ly tomorrow."

"Well, that's my point. I was thinking I do that today instead! In fact...I was thinking I do that right now. I fear we may not have enough toothpaste for both of us tonight!"

"I'm getting the dinner ready, though, TheGentleman. I can't just put everything down when it's out of the package; it'll be all stale and dry by the time we get back!"

"'We?' Oh, no, MrCheese, you don't have to come with me; you can stay here and prepare your entrée while I go fetch what we need! And by the time I get back, I would think your casserole should be nearly, if not completely finished, so we'll be able to dine then."

The warm, happy smile on MrCheese's face seemed to vanish in a split second, and the sparkle in his visor dwindled, being replaced with a flat look of dread.

"Uh...Y-you're going to the store by yourself?"

"I was planning to. Is that an issue, beanie boy?"

"Um, heh heh, n-no, it's not," MrCheese told him, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. "I guess it just kinda came outta nowhere, y'know?"

"Yes, I wasn't expecting to have to go today either," the black crewmate replied. "I'm sorry it's such short notice, MrCheese, but I shouldn't be too long. Anything else you can think of we might need?"

"Um no! We don't need anything else that'll take more time to get, so go ahead and hurry back!"

"Well...Alright, then. I won't be long."

TheGentleman found his associate's behavior a bit odd, but he decided to just head out. He slipped his trench coat on, grabbed his big black umbrella and headed out into the rain and made his way to his black and silver sedan, starting it up and driving off...MrCheese watched him disappear down the road from inside, staring out the window.

...The house seemed to grow eerily quiet without anyone there but himself, putting the orange crewmate on edge. The only noise he could make out was the sound of the vents humming as they circulated warm air throughout the house.

MrCheese looked at the time on his phone; 5:45 p.m., it read. He slowly walked back to the kitchen, pouring the extra layer of shredded Italian four-cheese mix on top of the macaroni. He hummed to himself to try and take his mind off his solitude, but even with the noise he was making, it didn't hide the fact that he was there alone.

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