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[Synopsis: Ninja was never one to cave into discomfort, so on a day when he doesn't feel quite up to snuff, he decides to push through it and act normal. Unfortunately for his pride, not everyone believes that he's perfectly fine.]

[Location: The Skeld]


"Okay, gang! Once we get one more person, I'll start up the game!" Captain announced.

"'Bout time," MrCheese huffed. "Another minute longer and this place will prob'ly close down."

Everyone was ready to start the match, and they'd been waiting for a while for the lobby to fill up; not everyone who'd been invited was able to make it, so they all agreed that they would start on a dozen and have two Impostors instead of three. With the lobby now at eleven, they all wondered who would show up next.

"Hey, Eggy," Ria piped up. "If you don't mind, I think I'm gonna hang with Mother this round. I was thinking you could spend some time with your brother while I picked up a few things from her."

"Ooh yes, splendid idea, love!" he smiled. "Planning for a few things?"

"Well, not just that. She's got knowhow beyond raising kids."

"Yes, that's very true. Well, don't let me keep you, love."

The two nuzzled visors, prompting Veteran to mock-gag behind their backs.

"Go to Medbay for that kinda stuff..." he mumbled.

The sound of someone else spawning in caught everyone's attention just a moment later, and they all turned to see a familiar purple figure with a headband appear on one of the dropship seats.

"Hey, Ninja! Glad you could make it!" Player greeted him cheerfully. "Oh, hey, just in case you get Impostor, could you do me a favor and make my death quick and painless? I know how hard your katana can hit, heh...Just askin', I can get kinda nervous about you sometimes."

Ninja massaged his temples and blinked drearily as he turned his head to face him.

"Somethin' the matter, Ninja?" MrCheese asked curiously. "You seem a little down in the dumps."


"Oh, sorry to hear that, Ninja," MrCheese sympathized, sitting down beside him. "Just take it easy today then, okay?"

"What'd he say?" Mother asked.

"He said he didn't get a lot of sleep last night," the orange crewmate replied. "Oh, the countdown's starting. Let's get ready to go, fellas."

The screen faded to black, and Ninja awaited his role...To his good fortune, he was chosen to be a crewmate this time, which meant he wouldn't have to be on edge the whole time, except for when he suspected someone might be out to kill him.

もし私が死んだら、私は死ぬ, he figured, shrugging as he spawned into the Cafeteria and looked at his task list.



Admin: Swipe Card
Admin: Fix Wiring
Storage: Fuel Engines
O2: Clean Filter
Cafeteria: Empty Garbage
Electrical: Calibrate Distributor
Electrical: Divert Power to Security
Navigation: Download Data
Weapons: Clear Asteroids
Medbay: Inspect Sample



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