The Great Werewolf Mystery-Part 5

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{Synopsis: Days of planning, keeping track of the survivors, and mourning those who have died...It's all come down to this.}

{Location: Polus outpost}


The figure's white pelt was stained red with splotches of BDay's blood, and its icy blue eyes peered right into Player's soul, their glare as sharp as the silver gleam from the badge on his hat. Captain growled deeply and bore his teeth, then launched himself off of the boulder and onto the ground, advancing on Player at an alarming rate, and his massive black claws ready to strike once more.

He didn't even try to run. He simply stared as Captain drew closer and snarled even louder...He knew it was too late for him. He knew he was about to join the others who'd passed before him, and his body behind. He simply tossed the camera on the ground off to his right, the photo still in the slot...They would find it when morning came.

This is the end...I die alone, but not in vain.


...But what he didn't know was that he and Captain weren't as alone as he thought.

Player failed to acknowledge a second pair of swift footsteps approaching until they were almost right upon him, and he looked off to his left just in time to see someone skid to a halt right in front of him, positioning themselves right in between him and the werewolf.

"Get BACK!!!"

The shrill voice echoed in his ears and across the outpost as a pink blur nearly collided with the werewolf and sent something barreling into the side of his head, and Captain let out a surprised yelp as he was hit, but quickly recovered and made an attempt to lash out at the attacker...only to be hit across the face yet again. And again.

"You stay away from my brother!" Dum hollered.

"Jess, what are you doing out here!?" Player exclaimed. "He's gonna kill both of us!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Dum screamed back, still striking Captain across the face with her blunt weapon...It was the very baton that he'd given to her to defend herself with.

"Some of this is partly my fault too, anyways!" she continued. "If I hadn't said what I said to Ninja and provoked him like I did, he might still be alive-AH!!"

She squealed in shock as Captain swiped his hand at her and ran his black, razor-sharp claws across her side, cutting deep and drawing out her vital fluid. As soon as Dum registered the pain, she doubled over and clutched the site of the wound...She could feel her blood seeping out, sticking to her hands and flowing down her side.

She looked up at Captain and drew in a hitched breath; he might have been more drawn to the scent of her blood had he not been so disoriented. The repeated blows he'd taken to the face and head were beginning to scramble his animalistic brain, and he now staggered on his hind feet, shaking his head vigorously as though to expel his confusion.

A tear streamed down her face...She wasn't sure if it was from her heartbreak over the fact that she just had to assault her dear Captain or if it was because of the searing pain in her side, but either way, she was extremely miserable over the whole ordeal.

"Sis...?" Player addressed quietly. Dum looked up just in time to see Captain regaining his senses and looking at her again, baring his pointed teeth once more before lunging forward.

It took all of the strength the pink crewmate had left in her to raise her weapon once more and whack Captain across each side of his face twice.


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