Player Three

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[Synopsis: Player and Veteran are playing a video game together! Dum wants to join in the fun too, but unfortunately, it can only support two players, and Veteran is a bit of a control hog. Maybe there's still a way around the issue though, at least for the time being.]

[Location: Player's house]


"He's almost down, Vet! We just gotta keep hitting 'em for a little longer!"

"AGH, I just died! Parry me, parry me!"

"I gotcha covered!"

"Ah okay, good. Thanks...Man, I usually don't slip up like that."

"Hey, we DID die ten times in the last boss fight, remember?"

"Yeah, but still...I think I'm losin' my touch, Player."

"Aw, come on. You can't win 'em all on the first go, can you? Besides, this game isn't exactly a walk in the park in general"

"Guess not. But still; I'm usually the one reviving YOU."

"Just consider it returning the favor, Veteran," Player said to him. "You've been doing let of the work so far, so-"

"OOOHHHHHHH jeez, the boat just turned into a shark or something, holy crap!"

"Next stage, next stage! Let's keep at it, I think we're almost there!"

"Ohhh, boy, this is gonna be hard."

"Just jump over the bubbles when they get close enough, Vet!"

"Oh God, what's it doing?"

"I dunno, Veteran, just keep your guard up and-"





"Oh...So that's what happens when it makes that face," the red crewmate said dryly.

"Dang it!" Veteran exclaimed, plopping the pro Switch controller down next to him and crossing his hands in a huff. "And we almost had 'em, too! Look at the progress bar!"

"Well, if we duck next time, we should be able to keep from getting blasted," Player said to him. "For a first try, I think that was really good though, y'know? You're not losing your touch."

"Hm, well...Thanks, Player. And yeah, it's not like we haven't been through worse than that; the dragon took us what? SEVEN times before we finally took him down?"

"I think it was more like ten."

"Yeah, you might be right."

"What'chu guys doin' in here?"

The third voice came from behind the red and yellow crewmates, her high-pitched, nasally voice immediately recognizable.

"Oh, hey sis," Player greeted, looking behind him to see Dum in the doorway, a curious glint in her visor. "We're just playing the game I bought the other day. Man, I can't believe I waited this long to try it out."

"You guys winning?"

"Eh...Yes and no," Veteran replied to her. "Fights are getting kinda tricky now that we're in the third isle."

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