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[Synopsis: Player's hiding something from Veteran! But is it really as bad as Veteran thinks...?]

[Location: Player's house]

Okay, okay. Before you start reading this fic, start playing the video above the title so it plays while you read; it really contributes to the background of the story. You can thank me later.  😏


Player was seated on the couch, staring intently at the pages of the magazine, visor glazed over with infatuation and a pleased smile plastered across his face. He licked his chaps every so often to keep his mouth from watering too much; if he'd known his Dad had a stash of these beforehand, he'd have gone digging into the bottom shelf of the coffee table for them ages ago. He didn't care about the lost TV remote he'd been looking for anymore; this gave him FAR more satisfaction.

Just then, he heard the front door open, and in came a familiar-looking crowned figure, wearing an excited grin on his face.


Oh, shoot...!

He quickly tried to hide the magazine in his hand by shoving it underneath himself, only covering it about halfway. He hoped Veteran wouldn't notice it...He wasn't ready to share his discovery with him. Not yet, at least.

"Heyo, what're you doin' Player?" the yellow crewmate asked him, peppy as ever.

"Who, what, me?" Player asked, trying his best to act casual. "Ah, I'm not doing anything, just...sitting here doing nothing, is all."

"Oh, that's pretty cool," Veteran nodded. "...Say, what's that you're sitting on?"

The red crewmate tensed up, knowing he'd been caught, and large beads of sweat appeared along his brow.

"What? Um, n-nothing! Nothing at all!"

Veteran's grin dissipated, being replaced with a suspicious gaze in his eye.

"That's not...a naughty magazine, is it Player?"

Player gasped as loud as he could to try and get Veteran off his tail.

"Me!?" he exclaimed. "I would never look at that!"

"...Okay," Veteran shrugged. "Can I see what it is, then?"


"I KNEW IT! You ARE looking at a no-no magazine!"

"...No I'm not."

Veteran stepped back, then took a deep breath in and let it out through his nostrils.

"Stand up, Player."



He bent down and tried to overturn the entire sofa in his fit of frustration, but the massive piece of furniture with Player sitting on it was too heavy for even him to budge.

"Stand up RIGHT now!"

Player smiled cheekily.


Veteran, now thoroughly offended, wasn't sure whether to scream or break down at the sight of his best friend's behavior...It didn't take long for his eyes to make that decision for him though; as soon as they began to water, he began to emit a suppressed, high-pitched whine from the back of his tightening throat, and he turned away and hid his visor in his hands.

"Whoa, wait...V-vet? Veteran, I didn't mean to..."

The red crewmate stood up off the couch and approached his best friend, reaching a hand out towards him; if he'd known Veteran would have been this upset by something like this, he'd have been more careful to-


Without any warning, Veteran suddenly dashed backwards, grabbed the magazine Player had attempted to hide and plopped down on the couch with it. Player only stared in shock and horror as Veteran opened it up and looked inside...The yellow figure's victorious smile faded away into nothingness, and was replaced with a look of his own shock and a loud gasp.


The red crewmate went redder than ever and deflated in defeat as Veteran stared down at the steamy, juicy tenderloin cut on the page he'd flipped to, paired on the next page with a massive Lobster Thermidor, which was perfectly browned on the top.

"Oh, you were looking at food!" he exclaimed, seemingly relieved once the shock of his discovery wore off. "You didn't lie to me after all!"

"Heh...heh, well, of course I didn't lie," Player shrugged. He wanted it to be surprise, but if this was how Veteran was going to find out, he figured that was alright too.

"Wait...You're looking at food..." Veteran realized, his face suddenly contorting with anger. "YOU'RE LOOKING AT FOOD WITHOUT ME, PLAYER!?!?!"

He sprang back up off the couch in full attack mode, and Player shrank back in fear.

"Whoa, no no no no, chill out Vet, chill!"

"ADIOS, Player!"

Veteran attempted to land a smack against the red bean's cheek, but he was blocked just in time by Player's own hand. Before Veteran could land another blow, Player grabbed him by the neck and almost hoisted him up off the ground as the adrenaline coursed through his veins.

"That's IT, VETERAN!"

"No, no, no, Player no, please, please!"

"No beef for you."



i hope you enjoyed that trainwreck of a tale. 🤪 if you get the reference, you're a legend.

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