Waddle We Do About This?

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[Synopsis: During a visit to the park, BDay finds a new buddy. Unfortunately, he can't take him along when they have to leave, so he and Rose have to leave him behind...or so they think.]

[Location: The park & Rose and BDay's house]


"So what'd ya think of the Italian ice guy? He comes to this place all the time!"

"Ohh, that was delicious, Big B," Rose gushed. "Why'd ya wait so long to take me to this place, huh? It's the best park in a hundred miles!"

"Well, I figured that'd make it more special, you know? That's the only reason I don't really come here that often."

"Well either way, it's wonderful; plants are all the greenest I've seen in ages, they got a flower garden, the Italian ice...What else did you say they had?"

"We're headed there right now, Rose. I'm taking us to the duck pond! And I brought some mixed oats and leafy greens to feed 'em!"

Rose gasped excitedly.

"Oh my gosh, this is gonna be so great~!"

It didn't take them much longer to get to the pond, which reflected the pristine blue of the nearly cloudless sky above. Already, they were seeing all sorts of ducks and geese paddling towards the water's edge and hopping up onto land, eager to get some easy food.

And ducks and geese weren't the only birds there; in the water remained a handful of loons and two pairs of swans, which simply glided along the pond's surface watching the spectacle on land from a distance.

"This stuff tops plain old bread in any way you could imagine," BDay informed his sweetheart as he handed her some of the greens and oats. "Watch 'em go crazy over it!"

He tossed out a handful of his own, and the entourage of ducks and geese put their bills to the ground immediately and began lapping up the treats. A few of the Greylag geese tried to hog some of it, but they were put in their place by a tough-looking Muscovy, who cleared a space for the other ducks simply by hissing at the geese.

"Wow...They really DO go nuts over it," Rose remarked.

"Okay, you go ahead and throw some, Rose!" BDay said to her. "Make sure to get it spread out so everyone has a chance to get some!"

She nodded, then tossed out her own handful, ensuring that it scattered out across the grass well enough. It only took a few more seconds for the waterfowl brigade to finish their first helping and move on to Rose's.

"Nice job there, honey! It's all in the wrist."

"Ohh, this is so wonderful, Big B..."

As she took another handful from the bag of treats, the rose-colored crewmate leaned into her boyfriend affectionately, and he returned the favor. BDay smiled; this would be a day to remember, that was for certain.

"Beep, beep...?"


"What's up, Big B?"

"Did you say something, Rose?"


"Beep, beep beep."

The odd noise was coming from just to the couple's right. Both of them turned to face it, and there, standing no higher than either of their feet...

"Ohhhh my goodness, BDay, look~!"

The tiny bundle of yellow fluff peered up at the two crewmates with its beady black eyes, sticking its pale orange bill up at them curiously.

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now