The Case of the Missing Donuts

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[Synopsis: All of the delicious donuts BDay brought to the Office have all been eaten by someone! Fortunately, Officer Bro and Detective Stoner are on the case, and they plan on getting to the very bottom of it!]

[Location: Polus outpost]


"One more person, and we're good to go!" Captain announced.

"Good, good. I invited Sheldon to play another round with us today, just so everyone knows, and the last we spoke, he said he'd be here at about this time!" MrEgg replied.

"Yeah...It's a shame TheGentleman and MrCheese couldn't make it today," Gnome frowned. "I heard that MrCheese has a pretty bad cold."

"Yes, I heard as well. The two also have plans for tomorrow, granted MrCheese is doing better by then, so he told me," the orange crewmate replied. "...At least I get to be my OG color again for a while, right? Ha!"

That was when the sound of someone spawning in sounded off, and the familiar maroon figure with an egg on his head spawned in.

"Sorry I'm late," he announced. "Did I miss anything?"

"Shel', you made it!"

The two brothers took a moment to greet on another, and everyone prepared for the round to begin...But before Captain could hit the start button, a familiar-looking blue hand rose up from the crowd.

"Oh hey guys, one more thing before we get started!"

It was BDay who'd made the announcement, and when everyone turned to face him, they saw that he was holding two flat boxes in his hands...Judging by the Krispy Krew logos on the tops of them, everyone could quickly figure out what was inside, and they all grinned.

"I knew we were probably going to have a full lobby today," he continued. "So I figured I'd treat you all to the best donuts I could find! And these aren't normal dozen boxes; there's a whopping fifteen in each box, so everyone gets two!"

A cheer rang out across the entire lobby.

"And I happen to know what a lot of you enjoy, so I think everyone will be happy with what they get!" BDay added. "We can all chow down in the lobby!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement!" Captain spoke up. "In honor of BDay's generosity, I elect that we play this round with NO Impostors, so that no one has anything to worry about but filling up the task bar and getting closer to feasting upon the sweet, cakey goodness bestowed upon us today!"

The crew cheered even louder.

"Man, could I go for a donut about now..." Bro smiled. Since BDay had claimed blue as his color, he decided to go with grey, but to compensate for his usual color loss, he'd suited up in his old police cap and the matching skin to boot.

"Wow, Bro," Player remarked. "You actually look pretty good in that outfit."

"Yeah, well, I wanted to wear somethin' blue," he nodded. "And y'know how cops are 'bout donuts, right? Heh..."

"Alright, everyone, I've made the tweaks necessary!" the lobby host called out. "And, ah...Judging by the fact that I'm still here and not in the Cheater's Lobby, it seems safe to assume the Innersloth gods know my intentions and have spared me...Well, is everyone ready to start?"

Everyone nodded and agreed...except for Stoner, who was flopped over one of the dropship seats, clearly UTI.

"Stoner? Stoner!" Captain called out again. "Buddo, ya hear me!?"

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