Welcome to The Fungle

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[SYNOPSIS: Finally, after an eternity of waiting, Among Us has launched its fifth map: The Fungle! With new mechanics and new tasks to figure out, it'll prove to be an engaging challenge for the crew. Will the crew figure out how to thrive in this new environment, or will the Impostors take advantage of the situation and have some...fun, guys?]

[Location: THE FUNGLE!!]

TW: SrQueso is in this one.


Captain spawned into the lobby with an excited spring in his step. Usually he and the gang didn't play on Tuesdays, but today was a special occasion; the fifth map, the Fungle, just released, and boy howdy they were gonna hop right to it! So he posted the room code to the GC and waited patiently...

To his delight, the lobby was almost completely full within just seconds! They must've been looking forward to this day as much as he had, given there were now only two empty spots left.

"Okay, let's see who's here so far!" he announced. "Player, Veteran...Always good to see you two here! And Dum! You made it too!"

"Yeah, I know, isn't it great!?" she gushed. "I can't believe the new map is finally here!"

"We're gonna make the most of it today!" he smiled. "Alright...Ah, yes. Everyone's favorite double quarter-hatter with cheese, served up with a side of eggs!"

"T'is a marvelous day for a new map, isn't it though?" TheGentleman remarked.

"I'll say," MrCheese nodded. "You got no fweakin' idea how hyped I've been over the past week!"

"As have I," MrEgg chimed in. "Why as a matter of fact, Ria and I are celebrating tonight with a delicious mushroom casserole!"

"Ooh, that sounds delectable!" the black crewmate remarked. "Erm, speaking of which, where is your better half?"

"I'm afraid she won't make it on today," he admitted, deflating a bit. "Work's gotten her a bit bogged down, so she's spending the evening at a local spa right now! Saturday though, the both of us should be present."

"Well, on the bright side you'll be able to give her some pointers after today!" Captain replied. "Alright, who else? Gnome, Engineer!"


"Evening, Captain. I'm eager to see what this new map will bring to the table, aren't you?"

"As eager as one can be!" the host replied. "Let's see who else...Ooh, Mother! It's been a hot minute since you've joined us for a game. How's everything been?"

"O, y'know, life. It has its ups and downs. Franklin's going through potty training right now."

"Is he, now?" MrEgg asked. "Quite the milestone, I must say!"

"Yes, absolutely. But it would be a lot less hectic if he'd not recently gotten into the habit of...flushing bath bombs down the toilet."

"Hey. A fizzy potty is a fun potty," Franklin insisted.

"Not when it costs Mommy a hefty plumbing bill, it's not..."

"Let's see who else..." Captain continued. "...Sheriff! Good to see you again."

"Well, it's good to be back," he nodded, tipping his hat.

"And...Rookie, is that you? How's it been?"

"Pretty good. Sorry it's been so long; I like to hop lobbies a lot and explore places...Glad I came back here for the Fungle, though!"

"Awwwww, yeah dude," a familiar green figure drawled. "I've been waitin' for this day since...like...the trailer came out for it."

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