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[Synopsis: Mother's Day can be a rough time for people who've lost theirs. MrEgg and PoopyFarts know that much...But it comes as a surprise to them that Mother herself is sort of in the same boat as they are.]

[Location: Lobby Dropship]


"I've been savin' up for months, dude," Veteran told his best friend. "And yesterday, I finally got that music album she's been talking about for so long. On vinyl. Man, I can't wait to see the look on her face..."

"That sounds awesome!" Player praised him. "Man...I wish I'd come up with an idea as good as that."

"Well, what'd you do for your mom?"

"I...I just got her this dumb cookbook and a stuffed sloth...Because she said she liked sloths one time."

"Dude, that's-"

"I know. I'm a disappointment."

"Nah, man. I was gonna say that sounds perfectly fine. Besides, it's really the thought that counts, right?"

"I guess so..."

It was the day before Mother's Day, and the crewmembers were discussing the plans they'd come up with to give their mothers the best day they could ask for.

"Hey. She's gonna love it," Veteran assured him, giving him a friendly pat on the back. "Promise you, okay?"

"Well...If you say so," Player shrugged, deciding to take his word for it. "...TheGentleman. Doesn't your mom live overseas?"

"Yes, she's back across the pond in Manchester. Ever since I was a boy, there was always this one vintage silk robe that she always wanted, but never seemed to be able to get her hands on...Guess what I did?"


Contrary to his usual sophisticated disposition, he held back an excited giggle.

"I found it. It took a lot of digging, but I finally found it, and I promptly ordered it and had it shipped right to her address. I checked the tracking; it should arrive at my parents' home tonight...!"

"What're you gonna do for Mother's Day, MrCheese?" Veteran inquired TheGentleman's associate.

"Well, same thing I always do, really. I head on over to her place, help her make a cheesecake, and I stick around for the evening...Except this time, I think I'm gonna bring TheGentleman along! She hasn't met him yet, but I've told her a whole bunch o' stuff about him and she's excited to finally meet him!"

"Looking forward to it, MrCheese; I'm quite sure your mother will be impressed," the black crewmate assured him, adjusting his top hats and puffing his chest out proudly. "...What about you, Captain?"

"I drew her a picture! Check it out, bestie!"

He held up a piece of paper for his(supposed) best friend to see; the drawing of Captain and his mother wasn't exactly what one would call "crudely" drawn, and Player could tell he put quite a bit of effort into it, but it was apparent that the white crewmate didn't really have a knack for art...He didn't even bother to pick another drawing medium besides crayons.

"What do you think?"

"Um...Okay," Player responded. "Maybe draw in a background, though, before you give it to her. To, uh...make it pop a little more."

"I can totally do that!"

"Preferably with colored pencils."

"Ooh, mixed mediums, eh? Creative thinking there, Player!"

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