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[Synopsis: Whenever Player is exceptionally tired, he tends to become clingier and more affectionate. Only his family ever really knew about this...until now, at least.]

[Location: Various different places]


Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

Player slowly, reluctantly pried his visor open, shifted his gaze to his nightstand and took a peek at his alarm clock...7:30 a.m., it read. He'd gotten barely three hours of sleep last night after finally finishing his portion of the group project he was in, and he'd been working on it ever since six the previous evening, siting sources, editing and proofreading his 1,500-word portion of the written segment before finally submitting it.

"Ohhh, God..." he groaned as he turned the alarm off. "I hope I at least get a 'B' on this thing after all that..."

He pushed the covers off of himself, and immediately a chill went up his spine as the warmth they gave him went off with them. Nonetheless, the red clad crewmate lifted himself upright and pushed himself off the edge of the bed and onto his bedroom floor. He staggered for a moment, then stretched as best he could to see if that would help at all...He felt a bit less stiff, but it didn't make him any less tired.

...The good news was that it was a Saturday, so he didn't have to worry about rushing to get anything done. But still, Player knew today was going to be one of those "no energy days."


Just then, there was a knock at his door. Player was jolted back to his senses for just long enough to mutter a coherent reply.

"Come in..."

The knob turned, and in peered the familiar pink head of his sister, a twinge of concern in her visor behind the sticky note.

"Mornin', Player," she greeted. "I heard you mumbling a lot in here last night, so I figured I'd check and make sure you were good."

"Oh...Yeah, that was me finishing up my written portion of the group project," he muttered in response. "Last thing that had to be done..."

"You look awful tired," Dum remarked, fully entering her brother's room and approaching him. "...Think some breakfast will perk you up? Mom's making strawberry pancakes!"

A faint smile came to Player's face; that was his favorite breakfast food.

"Hope so..." he nodded, eyelids growing heavy again. "...I don't know how much I'm gonna be able to do t'day, though..."


Without much in the way of warning, the red crewmate suddenly leaned forward and landed against Dum, nuzzling his visor into the crook of her neck slightly.

"...I'm just in that kinda mood."

"Heh heh...A snuggly mood?"

"...Yeah...Guess so..."

The pink crewmate lifted her hands up and squeezed him back, and she felt him go slightly limp where he stood.

"Don't fall asleep on me, okay?"

At that, Player slowly stood up straight again and looked her in the eye.

"...I'll try," he jeered, a weary, crooked smile forming across his face. Dum gave him one more smile before letting go of him and motioning for him to follow her downstairs.

After managing to make his way down to the kitchen without stumbling, he parked himself in one of the dining room chairs and melted I to it as best he could, vaguely aware of the fact that his mother was finishing up the fourth plate of pancakes and that his father's favorite coffee mug was at the Keurig station, slowly filling up with the bittersweet brown acid that provided the weary mind the means with which to function.

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now