"He's a Nice Noodle!"

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[Synopsis: Dum has always been pretty squeamish about snakes, so she's a bit put off when she learns that her boyfriend owns one. So what's Captain's solution to this predicament? Make the two of them friends, of course! Hopefully, she doesn't freak out when he takes Charlie out of his cage.]

[Location: The Skeld]


"Hmm...I know they're in here somewhere..."

Captain was busy scanning the freezer for the supply of food he had in there for Charlie. He knew he told the other crewmates about it so that they wouldn't throw it away, so he couldn't begin to fathom why it wouldn't be there anymore. Nobody would have stolen it, would they? What on earth would a crewmate want with a box of frozen-

"Hi, Captain!"

He turned around to see Dum approaching, heading over to the panel on the wall to fix the wiring underneath it.

"Oh, hiya, Dum! How are the tasks coming along?"

"Pretty good! Yours?"

"I finished mine a few minutes ago. Now I'm looking for Charlie's box of food. I gotta feed him."

"Is Charlie a pet of yours?"

"You bet he is! He's the best pet I could ask for. But for some reason, he really doesn't like the mailman. He bit him one time...I wonder why?"

"Well...I guess all pets can get a little protective sometimes, y'know?"

"Yeah, he loves me. Maybe he was just a little weirded out by him, since he didn't get to know him all to well...Ah-HA! There you are!"

Captain finally eyed Charlie's food bag and pulled it out of the freezer, then set it down on one of the tables and started to fill up a bowl of water in the sink.

"You know, I'm sure Charlie would really like you," he remarked as he stuck the water bowl in the microwave. "He seemed pretty fond of Player when I introduced them to each other."

"He did?"

"Yep! Curled up on his lap and wouldn't let him get up for almost an hour."

"D'aww, he sounds adorable...!"

"He absolutely is," Captain smiled as he opened up the food bag on the table. "He's my little white ball of friendliness...You want to go meet him when I'm done getting his food ready? He's in my room right now!"

"I'd LOVE to, hee hee~!" the pink crewmate nearly squealed. "What kind of dog is he?"

"Uh...dog?" her boyfriend echoed. "Well...I guess Charlie is a pretty common name for a dog, so that's an understandable misconception."

"He's not a dog?"

"Nope," he replied, taking something out of Charlie's food back, which, upon closer inspection, turned out to be...

...A dead mouse. Dogs didn't eat those, as far as she knew.

"Oh. So he's a cat, then? I like those too!"

"He's not a cat either, Dum," Captain corrected, sticking the mouse in the heated water bowl. "Huh...You know, maybe it'd be better if I cleared up any misunderstandings myself instead of just keeping people guessing."

"Well...What is Charlie, then?" Dum inquired.

The answer she got wasn't one she was expecting at all.

"He's a lavender snow ball python! And even though he's not a dog, he's got the sweetest little puppy mouth you could imagine."


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