Unplanned Sleepover

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[Synopsis: It's late at night, and TheGentleman is at home alone...or so he believes. Just before he decides to hit the sack, he's met with an unexpected visitor. You probably already know what his name is. GentleCheese fluff! (Duh...)]

[Location: TheGentleman's home. It's a huge brick Victorian house somewhere in England, so hell yeah, it's fancy.]


It'd been a long day of tasking, murdering and trying NOT to be murdered, depending on which role he got for each round he played. But now the day was done, and the sun had long since dipped beneath the horizon, letting the stars in the endless expanse of space above them shine as brightly as they wished on the earth below.

The only light left on in TheGentleman's house was the lamp sat on the night table beside his bed. He'd long since hung his top hats up by the door, and had traded them for his night cap(which, oddly, looked more like a fez than a night cap, but it was still technically the latter.) He'd been reading a really juicy murder mystery most of that evening, and was already more than halfway done with it.

"Ahh, gracious...If they don't figure this out soon, the train could be doomed!" he said to himself as he finished reading the chapter. He took a peek at the clock; 11:24 at night. It was only when he tore his eyes off of the pages that he realized just how heavy they'd become.

"Well...I suppose I'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out what happens," he said to himself as he marked his page, closed the book and placed it beside his lamp and clock, pulling the soft covers overtop of himself. "It's about time I call it a night."

"Yeah...I'm gettin' kinda sleepy myself."

"What the-!?"

The black crewmate almost jumped right out of bed as soon as he'd settled into it, and he snapped the lamp back on to see who the owner of the phantom voice was. The soft yellow light illuminated the room again, and he found himself face-to-face with...


The crewmate in question yawned, then tilted his head to face him. He seemed undeterred by TheGentleman's shock.

"Yeah, TheGentleman. Who else could it be? Heh heh..."

"What the devil are you doing in my house!? Let alone my bed!? H-how did you even get in here!? The doors and windows are all locked!"

"I'm the best Impostor ever; I know how to use vents, silly. A locked door ain't gonna stop me from getting where I want to be."

"And what on earth are you wearing...?!?"

MrCheese had what looked like a pink night dress on, complete with lace lining the edges and curlers in his hair(how something like that showed up on the outside of his suit was nearly as great a mystery as the one TheGentleman's book was about.)

"What, you've never seen someone in a nightie before?"

"Is that what you usually wear to bed??" TheGentleman spat. "You look like a middle-aged house wife in that!"

"Well, I did get it from my mom, so..."

TheGentleman rolled his eyes; this conversation wasn't at all important compared to the one he'd been meaning to have once he found out MrCheese had broken into his house somehow.

"Whatever...What I would really like to know is what on earth you're doing here! I don't remember sending you an invitation, MrCheese!"

"I dunno, I...I guess I got kinda lonely, is all, and I wanted some company."

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