GUYS, GET GAMETOONS ON THE PHONE(not exactly a one-shot, more like a fan script)

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So I just watched Undertale Logic, and after watching it, I GOT THE MOST AWESOME GAMETOONS VIDEO GAME LOGIC IDEA.



Ah okay okay...I went a little bazonkers there, but this is seriously something they need to do at some point, and it would be so epic I can already tell, even if they didn't do it like how I wrote here.

Just take this fan script I made for now while you wait for my next art dump. You'll probably enjoy it. XD

And now, without further ado...


Pokémon Logic | Cartoon Animation


*Player spawns in Pallet Town*

Player: So this is Pokémon...Can't believe it took me this long to give it a try. How long's it been around? Like, 25 years? Well, better late than never, I guess.

*Player eyes up Route 1, just to the north*

Player: *starts heading towards the tall grass* Welp, like it said on TV, all boys leave home some day. I guess I better get a move on if I want to-

???(Duncan's voice): Hey! Wait!

*Someone in a lab coat rushes over*

Player: Oh, uh...who are you?

???: Who am I? I'm Professor Oak! I've been studying Pokémon for my entire life! How do you not know this? I live just southeast of your home!

Player: Sorry, Professor. I'm just kinda new to this whole Pokémon thing.

Prof. Oak: Hm. Well, I guess that checks out...Luckily for you, I'd be happy to teach you all the basics! First things first: you should NEVER go out into the tall grass without a Pokémon of your own to protect you. Or else you'll be jumped by the wild ones!

Player: Oh. Well, where do I get my own Pokémon?

Prof. Oak: You're in luck, erm...What's your name?

Player: It's Player.

Prof. Oak: Right. Thank you. Follow me, Player! To the lab!

*So you know that little 8-bit ditty that played in a few earlier episodes whenever it was showing the crewmates' icons moving around the map to get places? Sell imagine that playing, but it's Player and Professor Oak's sprites running down to the lab instead.*

*Player and Professor Oak head into the lab*

Player: Wow. So this is where you do your research?

Prof. Oak: For as long as I can remember!

???(Bro's voice): Hey, Gramps! What took ya so long!?

Player: Huh? Who's that?

Prof. Oak: Oh, that's my grandson! He's been your rival ever since you two were babies.

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