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[Synopsis: MrEgg gets a surprise dinner guest one night...who decides to stick around. Wonder what he'll do about this situation?]

[Location: MrEgg's house]


MrEgg sighed contently as he settled down into one of his armchairs with a tray of freshly cooked Salmon Meunière and scalloped potatoes, a hot cup of chamomile tea on the far right corner of the tray. The fish market not far from where he lived certainly had high standards when it came to freshness; the salmon barely smelled fishy at all.

Nothing like a hot seafood dinner to wrap up the day with, he said to himself, taking a sip of his beverage before cutting into the tender fish...The rich smell wafting up from it by itself was enough to make his mouth water, and he promptly stuck his fork into one of the chunks he'd cut out.

Scritch scritch scritch


The sound of something scraping against the front door caught his attention, and he looked up for a moment...By the time he raised his head, however, the scratching has stopped.

Not thinking much of it, he shrugged and went back to his dinner, finally taking a bite of his homemade culinary masterpiece and humming contently at just how delicious it was.

Scritch scritch scritch scritch scritch

The second time he heard the noise, it was louder and faster. A bit on edge now, he looked back up at the door, staring at it for a few moments.

...He knew the neighborhood he lived in was fairly safe, and most of the homes, including his own, had security cameras or the like in the event of an attempted break-in; therefore, such attempts were few and far between. But it wasn't impossible, so he kept his guard up, took his tray off of him as he got off the chair and placed it down where he'd been sitting...He carried the knife he'd used on his fish with him in case things got hairy.

He checked the screen on his camera system, which sat just on the far end of the foyer, opposite to the door...He didn't see anybody there, but a quick replay of the footage revealed some odd movement in the dark street. Perhaps the perpetrator had decided to go around, in case they noticed he had a security system.

He dared to open the door and have a peek around the camera's blind spots. He knew he didn't look particularly intimidating with his night robe, egg-patterned PJs and below-average stature, but something like that could come to his advantage should he be ambushed.

"...Who's there?" he called out. "Show yourself!"

But nobody came...He took one more look around before closing the door and heading inside, deciding it would be a good idea to check the other security cameras around his house before settling down.

If my food gets cold, so be it, he decided. I can just reheat it if it turns out there was never-


He looked up at where his food was just in time to see the unmistakable figure of a CAT hopping up onto his chair and closing in on his tray of food. But before it could put its nose in the salmon, MrEgg ran back over, grabbed the animal by the scruff of the neck and pulled it away, hoisting it in front of his face.

It was obviously a very young cat, but it was old enough that its eyes had changed from blue to a muted brassy yellow. It had a short, but thick coat of bluish grey fur, and its face was rather round despite its skinny body.

MrEgg wasn't sure why he'd just decided to grab it instead of shoo it away and risk being scratched to bits, but now here he was holding it and looking it in the eye.

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now