Truth or Dare

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[SYNOPSIS: It's going to be a big night; Player's about to hold the BIGGEST slumber party he's ever had at his house! And what's a slumber party without a good old-fashioned round of truth or dare? Needless to say, things are about to get wild...]

[LOCATION: The Playson household]

TW: SrQueso is in this one


"Now, Player. Just to clarify one more time, are you two ABSOLUTELY sure you'll be able to keep everything under control while we're gone?"

"You've got nothing to worry about, Dad," the red bean assured him. "If someone makes a mess, I'll just get Dum to clean it up."


"Ha! Just messin' with you, sis. Maybe...As long as you're not the one who made it."

"Hm. Reasonable enough, I guess..."

"And remember; if you wanna order pizza, that's comin' outta YOUR pocket," Mum reminded both of them. "If your dad's takin' his card with us to Bertolini's, we won't be able to pay for your Italian food back at the house too, y'know."

"Noted," Player agreed. "And again, don't worry. I've got it aaall  under control."

"Well if you can keep the house from caving in on itself with all the company you're gonna be having, I'll consider that keepin' your word," Alan decided. "...Alright hon', let's hop in the car. The penne pomodoro's calling my name."

"Oop. Speaking of cars, looks like your first guest is here."

The purple crewmate pointed out the bright neon yellow coupe pulling up along the side of the road and slowing to a halt. Out of the driver's seat emerged none other than Veteran, and the load of tupperware and bags he carried in his hands assured Player and Dum that NO ONE would be going hungry.

"Welp, we don't wanna cramp your style, kids. Have fun, and make sure to keep everything going smooth!"

"We will Dad, bye!" Player called out as Alan and Mum disappeared into their own car and backed out of the driveway...They were pulling around the corner mere seconds later, and the next thing the now three  beans on the front porch knew, they were gone.

"What's up, party people?" Veteran greeted the two. "Hopefully the mood, am I right?"

"What's in the containers?" Dum inquired.

"Ohh, only the BEST party foods I could find and/or make. Pizza rolls, dino nuggies, tater tots, you name it."

"You got the Doritos?" Player asked.

"Pfsh.  Do I have the Doritos...That's like askin' me if I forgot everything that happened last Tuesday."

"That's a yes, then."

"Hey Dum, watch out," Veteran chuckled. "Your knight in captain's armor is coming up the sidewalk."

Veteran was right. Up the walkway and onto the front porch strolled the white bean, already dressed in his pajamas and carrying a massive bowl of chocolate pudding.

"Made it!" Captain announced. "How are my three favorite crewmates in the world doing tonight?"

"It's great! 'Specially now that you're here, Cappy," Dum grinned, leaning in to nuzzle his visor. "There's plenty of space for all the food on the counter. You can stick that inside!"

"Thanks, Dum! You fellas are gonna LOVE this stuff. It's got a secret ingredient in it that you'll NEVER be able to guess...!"

"Never, huh," Veteran asked.

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