Where's Play-doh?

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Synopsis: It's Halloween, and Veteran and Captain are attempting to locate Player in the massive crowd of people pouring out of the university. with no luck no matter WHAT lengths they go to. Wonder why he's so hard to find...?

Location: Just outside Crewmate College Campus

(i apologize for the stupid title, but you'll get it once you get to the end of the fic. XD)


"Come on, Veteran! The sooner we get Player, the sooner we'll be able to head out and have some spooky fun!"

"Dude...*huff*...I get you're excited, but could ya slow down?"

From Veteran's point of view, Captain looked like he was a mile and a half ahead of him. Of course, his vision wasn't as good as it could have been with that giant sloth head he had on obscuring several spots in his line of sight.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you a second...I just don't wanna miss him when he comes out, I'm so excited!"

"You sure look it..."

Captain had reused his costume from last year, sporting a familiar set of lupine, grey-furred ears and tail. Alas, there was no full moon that Halloween, so he couldn't show off his real set.

"We're almost to the campus, Veteran," the white-clad crewmate said to him. "And it's 2:59. He's gonna be coming out any minute!"

"Right on time, huh?"

It was just then that Captain's phone timer went off, blaring the ominous sound of bells as it announced the start of the next hour...And just a moment later, bucketloads of college students began pouring out of the front doors. The front of the university was completely crowded with a massive herd of happy, albeit noisy people in just a matter of seconds.

And Captain and Veteran had been caught right in the middle of the outpour.

"Wow. That's a lotta people," the yellow crewmate remarked. "How long do you think it'll take to find Player in this?"

"Gimmie a boost, Mr. Sloth. I'll see if I can point him out."

So Veteran hoisted the white crewmate up onto his shoulders and held him there, and Captain scanned over the crowd...Most of the college attendees in the crowd were dressed in costumes themselves; there were a lot of standard outfits like devil horns, mummy suits and the like, but given what Player had said about wanting to shake things up a week beforehand, he figured it wouldn't be any of those people.

"See him?"

"Not yet, Veteran," Captain replied. "Any idea what he's supposed to be dressed as?"

"Nope. He said it was gonna be a surprise..."

"Well in that case, I've got my eyes peeled for anything red!"

"Hurry up. My shoulders are getting tired..."

Knowing he didn't have much time, Captain scanned even faster, double taking anything he spied that sported that familiar vermillion hue. A demon costume, a red crewmate dressed as a cat(and she definitely was NOT Player,) a guy carrying a bunch of red hard-cover books, a guy dressed as a candy cane, of all things...But no Player anywhere.

"Dude, dude, I gotta put you down-!"

Captain hopped off of Veteran's shoulders just the moment before the latter stumbled and doubled over in fatigue.

"Phew...Ho, boy...Not doin' that again."

"Player! PLAYER, can ya hear us, buddo!?" Captain called out. "We're over here!"

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