Pumpkin Soup

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[Synopsis: The day before Halloween, Player tells Veteran about some of the traditions he and his family have, one of them being his mother's pumpkin soup...the idea of which Veteran takes a liking to. Fortunately, Player's mom says there'll be plenty to go around, and he can stop by after the pair finishes trick-or-treating. With all of these things in mind, nothing should be able to ruin this Halloween...right?]

[Location: The local neighborhood.]


"Are you at least going to do something a bit more creative than just a banana peel on your head this year?" Player asked him as the two carved out their jack-o-lanterns.

"Oh, don't worry. I've got somethin' a little bit different in mind," Veteran assured him as he finished cutting out the shape in his hollowed-out pumpkin. "What do you think of this?"

He turned his finished creation around to show his best friend.

"Wow, um...I know it's a smaller pumpkin, but was the face supposed to be that tiny?"

"Um, yeah dude...I'm thinkin' about knocking the stem off the top and giving it a bowl cut wig."

Player burst into giggles.

"Okay, that sounds hilarious. You should absolutely do that."

"How's yours, man?"

"Uh, I sort of had an idea along the same lines as yours."

Player showed off his own results, and it got a chuckle out of Veteran as well. His pumpkin had a huge, derpy smile and comically large teeth cut into it, the skin on them removed so that the candle that was meant to go inside would make them more visible.

"...You know what I'm gonna do with it?"

"What're you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna ask my dad for some of the spare scrap metal he keeps in the garage, and I'm gonna use that to give it braces."


Both of them wheezed with laughter until their sides hurt.

"Ha ha...O-oh, hey, uh, did you happen to keep the seeds after you scooped your pumpkin out, like I asked?"

"Yeah, man...Ha...There in this plastic bag right here," Veteran nodded as he held up said bag, still getting the last of the laughs out of his system. "What did you say they were for again?"

"Oh, my mom uses them to garnish her pumpkin soup every Halloween."

"Huh? Pumpkin soup?" Veteran echoed, raising an eyebrow. "I've heard of pumpkin pie and pumpkin-spiced coffee and stuff like that, but not soup."

"Yeah, I know it's not exactly commonplace, but it's honestly pretty easy to make. And above all, the stuff's DELICIOUS."

"Oh really, huh?" the yellow crewmate nodded curiously. "What's in it besides pumpkin?"

"Lots of things. Onion, garlic, veggie broth, spices...She said she used to use heavy whipping cream, but when we found out I was lactose intolerant, she switched to using coconut milk. And MAN. It's even better with that than with the cream..."

"Wow...Is it really that good?"

"I look forward to it every year, Veteran...Man, my mouth's watering just thinking about it."

"Same here. And I haven't even tasted it."

"Is this about my special brew?"

Both of them jumped at the third voice, and they turned around to see Player's mother standing there wearing not just her sparkly witch hat, but also a scary grin on her face.

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