The Great Werewolf Mystery-Part 4

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{Synopsis: The crew is now divided into two halves: the safe and the unsafe. And even despite the attempts to keep them all together as a group, tensions are rising quickly.}

{Location: Polus outpost}


Gnome and Engineer were the first to arrive at the Office, and the latter called the meeting to summon everyone there...Judging by the looks on their faces, they'd either still been asleep, or they'd just woken up...He hoped for a fleeting moment that one would look more tired than the others, or if they had any blood on them...But they all looked about the same, much to his dismay. It was one piece of bad news after another, and he was worn by it nearly to the point of tears.

"What's...*yawn*...happening, poindexter?" Captain asked him. "It's a little early to be calling a meeting, isn't it?"

"I have some bad news," Engineer replied, his voice not much more than a croak. "...We've suffered the highest number of losses tonight so far. And out of the four deaths, only one of them hadn't been previously cleared."

They all looked around to see which of them were absent, and therefore gone.

"...TheGentleman and MrCheese?" Player realized.

"Sheriff too?" Captain asked. "...Was he attacked while he was on lookout duty?"

"He was infected before he died," the purple crewmate replied. "...There was a fight between him and the first werewolf. We heard the commotion outside, and we found him just before he changed back, was too late to save him at that point."

"He...he tried to tell us who it was before he..."

Gnome cleared her throat before continuing.

"...Succumbed to his injuries...But he couldn't."

They all turned to BDay next...The blue crewmate was frantically looking at each of the other crewmates, looking for someone who wasn't there.


Captain rested his hand on his back, to which he stopped darting his gaze all over the place and turned to face Engineer.

" Rose...?"

"I'm afraid so," he answered him.

A strained, high-pitched whine escaped from the back of the blue crewmate's throat, and his face contorted into an expression of pure heartbreak. Tears bubbled up in his visor, flowing down his cheeks, and he hid his face in his hands as he wept.

"Hey, hey, it'll be okay," Dum assured him gently. "You'll see her again once we get all of this sorted out, right?"

He sniveled, then removed his hands from his face...Dum watched them clench into fists, and she flinched a bit when he suddenly sucked in a deep breath and slammed his hands on the table.

"Which one of you DID THIS!?!?!" he demanded, staring at the four uncleared crewmembers with a hardened, yet still tearful glare. "I DEMAND VENGEANCE!!!"

"BDay, take it easy there," Player told him, trying to calm him back down. "I-I know this must be hard, but...You gotta remember it isn't really the fault of the person who's infected."

"HOW IS IT NOT THEIR FAULT!? THEY did it, didn't they!?!"

"Well, yes, but the point is they aren't in their right mind when they're like that," Captain informed him. "If...well...If you want to blame someone, you can blame me."

"Captain, no, we talked about this already," Engineer told him. "You didn't know something like that would cause-"

"That doesn't matter, Engineer. It still happened because of what I did...If I hadn't gotten all upset over something that...I probably didn't deserve in the first place and implemented that zombie virus into the game, then we wouldn't be in this mess...I blame myself. And if anyone had any blame, then they can place it on me."

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