More Sugar, Mr. Fuzzykins?

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[SYNOPSIS: Player stumbles across a somewhat...embarrassing revelation about Dum while passing by her room. She begs him not to tell anyone, but this is just TOO funny for him to keep it a secret. So, who should he confide to? And will THEY be able to keep a secret, too?]

[LOCATION: The Playson household]


"Dum!? Have you seen the broom anywhere!? It's not in the coat closet, and Mom's looking for it!"

Player called to his sister as he reached the top of the stairs, hoping for an answer. But he got no response.

"Ugh...She's probably got her air pods in," he grumbled, approaching her bedroom door. "Hope she hears me knock-"

"Why yes, Candy Cat, it IS earl grey!"


He heard Dum's voice from the other side of her door, and what she said...confused him, to say the least. But with his confusion also piqued his curiosity. And since her door was already slightly ajar, he presumed it safe to peek inside and see what she was up to.

The scene before the red crewmate was VERY familiar to him. Dum was seated on the floor at a small plastic table, surrounded by four of the colorful stuffed animals that adorned her bed. At each seat, including her own, was a plastic flower-print cup and plate. And in the table's center sat a similarly patterned sugar bowl, cream pitcher and tea pot.

"The finest I could find. Nothing but the best for the guest, isn't that right?" she continued. "More sugar, Mr. Fuzzykins?"

Player packed away from the door and stifled his laughter as best he could. She still had stuffed animal tea parties!? He hadn't seen her do this since he was in kindergarten!

"Holy moly...This is RICH."

"Player! Did you find the broom yet!?"

"Oh, shoot..."

Upon hearing his mother's question, he decided to make his presence known to keep her from waiting any longer.

"Uh, hey Dum?"

Player heard a gasp, and then a clattering commotion from her room before the pink crewmate greeted him at the door...Upon her opening it, Player noticed that the table was now partially hidden under her bed and all of the stuffed animals that'd been seated at it were now strewn haphazardly across her mattress.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Do you...have the broom in here?" he asked, trying to act natural.

"Oh! Yeah! I, uh, swept in her earlier. Guess I forgot to put it back. My bad."

She turned around, grabbed the broom in question from the far corner of her room and then returned it to her brother.


With that, he turned and started to head back over to the stairway...but not before stopping to listen for anything else in Dum's room.

"Phew...That was a close one, fellas," he heard her huff. "Now, where were we? Oh, yes. I believe you requested another lump of sugar, Mr. Fuzzykins?"

My God,  he said to himself. This is too good to keep secret. I GOTTA tell someone about this...! 




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