"Is This Your Pet?"

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[Synopsis: So, about Bro. You know, the rude, stuck-up blue guy who never grew out of his "rebellious teen" phase? What kind of pet do you think someone like him would have? A pit bull? A scorpion? A tarantula? The correct answer may surprise you...]

[Location: MIRA HQ]


"I swear, Charlie here is the greatest charmer this earth's ever seen!" Captain claimed. "He's so irresistibly lovable that he cured Dum's ophidiophobia!"

"A snake with charm? Puh-lease. Cheddar's a thousand times more popular with people than your slimy danger noodle could ever be," MrCheese sneered, his dog smirking confidently at the remark.

"For the last time, MrCheese, he's NOT SLIMY! Stop insulting my precious Charlie like that!" Captain snapped back, holding his beloved python closer. "Dum! Player! Back me up here!"

"I mean, it IS true, MrCheese," Dum nodded.

"Yeah, you are wrong about the slimy part," Player concurred. "And really, Cheddar doesn't seem all that pleasant compared to him. At least not to me...I will say this, though; I don't plan to introduce Charlie to Gerald any time soon."

"Ohhh, yea, that might not end well," Dum agreed, looking into the hamster ball at Player's side. "He might think your hamster's one of those dead mice Captain feeds him."

"As much as I trust Charlie, I wouldn't put it past him to make a mistake like that..." Captain said, cringing at the thought of such a gruesome fate for little Gerald. "It's a good thing he has a hamster ball!"

"Heh heh, yeah...You know, this whole 'Bring Your Pet to Work Day' thing turned out pretty interesting, didn't it?"

"Hey Sherrif!" Dum asked the brown-clad crewmember leaning against the wall. "Do you have some kinda pet?"

"Darn tootin'," he nodded, despite not appearing to have any with him. "But if I try draggin' a 16 hand Appaloosa onto the rooftop, I'd be given the old heave-ho in a jiff...I did bring a photo, though. Closest I can get, ain't it?"

He showed off a picture of the animal in question, and everyone marveled at it.

"What's its name?" Player asked.

"His name's Alamo. Mighty fine specimen, ain't he?"

He was indeed; the horse's coat had chestnut speckles and spots dotted all over its white background, and his legs and head were almost completely brown, save for the striking blaze running down his long face, breaking the spotted pattern.

"Hmf...Yeah, guess he's cool."

A new voice spoke up, and everyone looked over to see who'd joined them. A familiar blue-clad figure in a backwards cap now stood amongst them.

"Oh, hey Bro," Player greeted, not particularly excited by his arrival; everyone who knew him well enough agreed that he was a little bit of a jerk.

"Hi Bro!" Dum greeted him, sounding more pleased to see him, as she didn't know him quite that well. "You know today's Bring Your Pet to Work Day, right?"

"Heck yeah I do. But I, uh..."

Bro looked around at what the others had with them. MrCheese's dog, Player's hamster, Sherrif's horse(at least, the photo of it,) Happy's brain slug, Veteran's millipede, and...Captain and Dum had a snake!?  That was the last pet he expected a pair of naïve no-brainers like them to have.

He looked up at his hat for a moment before continuing.

"...I was afraid mine might be a handful if I brought him here," he finished.

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