Free Hugs

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[Synopsis: Player is feeling a bit down today. Fortunately, Veteran has an idea on how to fix that.]

[Location: Polus Outpost]



Player trudged out of his cabin slowly, dragging his feet behind him and staring at the ground as he went...Last night had been rough; he'd spilled most of his dinner on the floor, had a nasty argument with Dum for startling him to the point of spilling it, bashed his foot into a corner and dropped his toothbrush on the floor. As a result of the chaos, he hadn't slept well at all, and had woken up with a headache and lowly spirits.

He braved the unforgiving cold of Polus as he made his way into the Office; maybe he just needed a donut, some coffee, and a bit of time by himself to collect this thoughts to make him feel better.

"Mph...Hey, dude."

Veteran was already there munching away on his breakfast, so it looked like alone time was out of the picture...At least no one else was around yet, and there were still plenty of donuts and coffee.

"Hey, Veteran..." Player mumbled as he dragged himself forward, lazily filling up one of the foam cups with the dark brown beverage.

"You still upset about last night, man?"

"I...I dunno. I guess so, maybe...I'm just feelin' kinda miserable today, after all that."

There was a brief silence between them as Player stirred a touch of cream and a heaping dose of sugar into his coffee, then took a sip...He immediately shuddered.

"Bleugh...Why does the coffee taste like dishwater?"

"Ask Engineer; he's the one who made it."


"Hey. At least they got your favorite kinda donut. Check it out."

Veteran reached out and handed him the one he was referring to; it was a strawberry frosted donut, covered in a generous amount of sprinkles, and judging by its shiny appearance and strong scent, it seemed like it was still warm.

"Huh...Guess that's good," Player shrugged, nodding lightly at his best friend. "Thanks for that, Vet."

"No problem. Oh hey, uh, would you mind movin' over for just a sec? I gotta get something out of the drawer behind you."


Player moved forward and granted the yellow crewmate access to the drawer, paying no mind to the sound of Veteran pulling a large sticky note off of its pile and scribbling something onto it.

"Well...Guess I gotta start doing my tasks now," he said once he finished eating. "...Wish me luck; I don't think I'm gonna have a good day."

"Heh heh...Sure thing," Veteran replied, giving him a firm pat on the back. Player managed a halfhearted smile at his best friend's gesture, and he gave him one more nod before turning and leaving the Office...

...Completely unaware of the message stuck to the back of him.




"Let's see...Record Temperature. Guess it's good my first task is nearby."

"Hiya, bestie~!"

Oh, no...

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