Dragon A Heavy Burden

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[Synopsis: Player and the gang decide to try out the medieval mod again! And things are a little switched up in terms of roles compared to last time...Not everyone is keen on their assigned roles, though. Especially given the circumstances.]

[Location: Polus outpost]



"Once upon a time, a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desiredthe prince was kind of a spoiled jerk wad who treated his friends and staff like losers.

"So anyways, one night in the dead of winter, an old beggar woman came to the castle, offering the prince a single rose in return for shelter from the blizzard. But since the prince was totally put off by just how ugly she was, he sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. But she warned him not to be fooled by appearances, because true beauty is found within. But when he dissed her again and tried to slam the door shut, the old woman's supreme ugliness melted away into supreme hotness as she suddenly turned into an enchantress. Now, when he saw THAT happen, he tried to apologize to her, but it was too late by then; the enchantress saw that there wasn't a single ounce of love in his heart.

"So as punishment, she turned the prince into a hideous Impostor, and placed a powerful spell upon not only the castle, but everyone else who lived there, too. And you can probably figure that this prince-turned Impostor was pretty ashamed of his monstrous form, so he kept himself concealed inside his castle most of the time. Now, the rose the enchantress gave him was...well...enchanted. And it'd bloom until he was 21. If he could learn to love another person and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell from the rose, then the spell would break. But if not, he'd be doomed to remain an Impostor for the rest of his life. As the years went by, he fell into despair, and lost pretty much all hope...'Cuz I mean, really. What kinda moron would ever want to love an Impostor...?"


"...So what do you think of it so far, Player?"

"I dunno, Vet. I mean, the premise is pretty good, but the narration feels a little...well...It sorta breaks the immersion of doom, despair and suspense. Maybe make it sound a bit more sophisticated and serious?"

"You know as well as the next guy that I equate 'sophistication and seriousness' with boringness."

"...I think you mean boredom."

"Psh, whatever, Mr. 'A' in English, I just thought it'd make it sound cooler..."

"Ah, come on, Player. I thought it was pretty cool! Heh heh," MrCheese giggled lightly.

That's ironic, Veteran said to himself, subtly raising an eyebrow as he closed the WIP storybook he had in hand.

"So this is what you call 'medieval mod,' Captain?" the Snorkel asked. "I have not played this before; I hope it does not disappoint."

"でも面白そうですね," Ninja replied to the Russian crewmate beside him, shrugging a bit. Something like this wasn't conventional for him, but he was intrigued, so the violet bean figured he'd roll with it.

"Well, if we're all ready, I'll start up the game!" Captain announced. "Boy, I hope I get the role of the knight again...That role was so OP! So. OP."

Player shut his eyes, hoping that he wouldn't be chosen as the squire again just as much as Captain hoped to be the knight as the screen booted up and showed him his role.

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