RANDOM HEADCANONS(not a chapter, sorry, but it'll come soon, i promise)

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And here we have, not a story, but a series of random headcanons I have about most of the AUL characters, because I didn't want to keep everyone waiting forever for the next story(which is almost done by the way, so it's-a comin') and I wanted this to actually do something for the future of this series, lol.

Some of these may eventually become stories, because I need to make myself more material to work off of, lmao.

Let's begin and see how crazy it gets, shall we?



-Sleeps hugging his beanie(I think this is pretty much fanon now, lmao, how original.)
-Went through an emo phase at one point, and wholly regrets it.
-Has extreme chilopodophobia(fear of centipedes. And not like just getting startled when he sees one then trying to kill it, he'd actually panic and would most likely cry.)And he's afraid that if Veteran finds out, he'll make fun of him.


-Is really insecure sometimes despite his confident tough-guy persona, especially about his gravelly voice.
-Actually knows about Player's chilopodophobia, but doesn't want to embarrass him by bringing it up.
-Has a pet millipede named Jeff, but keeps him hidden whenever Player is around because he thinks he might be afraid of millipedes too, with the whole centipede thing(and is unaware that Player has actually handled a millipede before and is cool with them.)


-Exaggerated about his time in flight school, and didn't actually attend it for 14 years(it was really more like 4 years, but still, that's a lot longer than the 6 months it was supposed to take him.)
-His father was an airline pilot, and(insultingly) died in a massive traffic collision before he was old enough to remember him much, but he strives to follow in his footsteps and become a pilot himself.
-He and Dum go on Minecraft and play Sky Wars whenever they're not playing Among Us. Dum tries to convince Player to join them, but he keeps insisting that he prefers vanilla survival(when he actually just doesn't want them to drive him nuts, lol.)


-Once bought out the entire stock of cheese at the supermarket without any regrets. Has already gotten through half of it.
-Tried to burn down PETA's headquarters once(WITH CHEDDAR, might I add,) but the attempt ended with a spilled gas tank, a wet match and a narrow escape from being caught. He hasn't been to the area since, but still kinda wants to try again.
-Has autophobia(fear of being alone) which is part of why he's so clingy towards TheGentleman. But he doesn't want to tell him, because he doesn't want him to worry too much about him when they're apart.


-Drank grape juice from a wine glass on a regular basis as a child because he wanted to imitate his fancy parents.
-Secretly likes heavy rock music, even though he tried to convince himself that he hated it for most of his life.
-Actually doesn't mind MrCheese's overflowing affection towards him as much as he makes himself out to, and it makes him feel better about himself knowing someone cares about him that much.

MR EGG(these are pretty sad, ngl):

-Was pretty much treated like trash by his family members for most of his childhood with the exception of his mother, and after a tragic incident, he set off on his own at a young age in search of a meaningful life.
-Has moderate depression, and his less than adequate childhood left him a bit starved for affection. He loves being held and hugged, but is usually too shy to ask/worried he'll be judged.
-Has a weaker immune system than his peers and gets sick easily, and he gets even more sensitive than he already is when he's not feeling well. TheGentleman and MrCheese are especially concerned about his poor health, and do whatever they can to help him out.


-Is actually trying to learn English in order to better defend himself during meetings(but he hasn't used it with the group yet because it's not all that good and sounds pretty broken.)
-Is a master of the oriental culinary arts, unbeknownst to his peers, and uses his katana for all the cutting. For some reason, he can get that one blade to serve all the functions of an entire kitchen knife set, and nobody knows how he accomplishes it. And with the Airship map now released, complete with a kitchen, he REALLY wants to show off his skills to the others.
-Did a Nuzlocke run of Pokémon Platinum, and his Infernape was basically the Cheddar to his MrCheese. On the 15th of March 3 years prior to his arrival in Among Us, he lost him in the Champion battle with Cynthia's Garchomp, and although he still won the match, he mourns his starter's death on the 15th day of every month by lighting incense before a photo of him and paying his respects(Yes, he was basically in the game, but that's what it's like with Among Us in the canon series, no?)


-Is secretly kinda lonely, but knows and accepts that he doesn't stand a chance with anyone, and usually just drowns his loneliness in grass.(if you know what I mean...Yeah. You do.)
-Has a massive herb garden(which may or may not have w33d growing in the very back of it) and he's surprisingly good at using them; not just for skin care products, but also for medicinal and culinary purposes, and he makes a mean stew when come dinnertime.
-Is actually extremely courteous and charming when clean, and possesses a high intellect...Unfortunately, he's almost never clean, so people very rarely see this side of him, and none of the other lobby members know of it.(not yet, at least.)


-Was born mute, and struggled a lot in grade school due to his inability to communicate verbally. But when he figured out how to speak fart, he not only became the class clown overnight, but also removed the language barrier between him and anyone else who knew how to speak it. But not a lot of people did, so he still found difficulty in communicating, especially with people in the outside world.
-Has been acquainted with Captain ever since childhood; he's one of the few people who decided to learn to speak fart, and thus can understand PoopyFarts perfectly. He's not keen on being extremely close with Captain, though; like most of the other lobby members, he questions his leadership skills and intellect.
-Might actually be able to speak normally if he tried, but he doesn't think he can since he's been speaking fart for so long. Might try to speak up if there's a real emergency happening, though.


-Totally has a thing for guys with British accents. Not just TheGentleman; MrEgg is on that list, too.(And if not for MrEggxRia being popularly fanon, I would ship MotherEgg 100%.)
-Lives up to her name not just for her children, but the rest of the crew as well. She's an ideal mom friend who likes getting to know her fellow crewmates a little better and helping them through whatever hard times they might be going through, and would absolutely pinch someone's cheeks if they were acting adorable(and just so she could see how they react, lmao.)
-Sneaks things like spinach and carrots into baked goods, then gives them to both her own kids and the lobby members(Hey, they gotta eat healthy, too.)


If you wanna see any of these headcanons get turned into fics, tell me, because I need source material if I wanna keep at it the way I've been...And even without the recommendations, I might base my one-shots off of some of these anyway. XD

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