Worming Through Wormholes

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(TW: SrQueso is a prominent character here.)

[Synopsis: Engineer invites MrCheese to help test out his latest invention: an interdimensional portal gun! Will it work as intended? Well, if it does, strange things await them across the multiverse, that's for sure.]

[Synopsis: Multiple different universes and locations]

ALTERNATIVE TITLE: "Ginger Becomes a Shameless Sellout and Promotes Her Other Stories😂


"Hmmm...That must be our location in the center, judging by what the radar looks like."

Engineer was trying his best to really focus on the map, but the concept of what he'd managed to achieve after almost a YEAR of work was perhaps beyond even his own comprehension. His heart was still racing, even an hour after he'd completed the testing; he was exhilarated!

"Ah, man...I-I'm still beside myself, I can hardly concentrate."

"Hey nerd face, what's goin' on in here?"

The violet figure turned towards the open door to see MrCheese standing there, a curious glint in his visor...And then, an idea came to him.

MrCheese is always looking for something fun to do...I don't suppose he'll mind helping me take this thing for a human test drive.

"MrCheese. Can I trust you to keep a secret?" he asked, grinning excitedly.

"Well that depends, Engineer. For how long do you expect me to not spill any beans on anything? Heh heh."

"I don't want the others to know about this JUST yet. Maybe at least until I know it can work with one of us."

"What exactly IS all this, Engineer?" the orange crewmate asked him, stepping into the room and marveling at all of the machinery. "It, uh...looks pretty fweakin' elaborate."

Aside from the wiring and box machined hooked up in almost every nook and cranny of the room, he spied a radar map depicting what looked a bit like the night sky, a new ray gun sitting on an empty table with several chords uploading data to it, several monitors along the radar's sides and, in the very center of the far wall, a large metal frame that emitted faint mechanical whirrs and glowed with streaks of neon blue running down from the safety light at its crown.

"Promise me you won't freak the heck out?"

"I'll do my best."

Engineer breathed in...He himself couldn't believe he was about to say what came out of his mouth, for a brief moment.

"MrCheese. All of what you see here is my magnum opus: a functioning interdimensional portal."

"Interdimensional portal?" the orange figure echoed back. "As in, like...a gateway to a different universe, or something like that?"

"Not just ONE different universe," Engineer told him, his voice hushed. "...ALL of them."

That was when he lead MrCheese over to the radar map, and the latter's eyes widened in amazement. Those weren't stars on the projection; they were supposed to be entire UNIVERSES!

"See that really bright one in the very center? That's us. That's our home universe. And notice how the dots get smaller and fainter the further away they are from our home dimension."

"So, uh...D-does this mean that the multiverse exists, then?"

"It does...And I was the one to truly, finally prove its existence with this very machine."

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