Whoops, Wrong Lobby!

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[Synopsis: Player logs onto Among us to join his friends...But apparently, he put the wrong code in, and he ends up with a band of complete strangers! Ah, well. Might as well shake things up for a change, right?]

[Location: The Airship]

Did someone ask for a crossover episode? No? Too bad, you're getting one anyway. XD


"Alright, time to log back onto Among Us and meet up with the others!" Player chirped as he pulled the game up on his computer and pulled up the code Captain had sent him, ready to join the lobby with all of his friends. He was in a pretty good mood that day; his report card had come in with only one B+ among all of the A's he'd gotten that semester, and he'd been BRUTAL during karate practice that day. He couldn't wait to tell everyone and hang out with them.

...He was so excited that he didn't realize his finger slipped onto a different key as he was putting the lobby code in, and he pressed the enter button without noticing that the code he'd entered had one wrong letter in it.

"Alright! Let's go. They're probably all waiting for me."

The screen faded to black for a few moments, and he spawned into the dropship, spying the crowd on the opposite side of the ship...But before he could make his way over to them, he noticed that his hand looked a lot darker than it normally was, and he rose it to his face to take a look at it.


He wasn't in his usual red suit, but rather a maroon one, much to his dismay.

"Aw, come on. Maroon? I knew red was considered a sus color, but this just takes the cake."

He let out a frustrated sigh, then rolled his eyes, figuring whoever had red wouldn't be willing to trade.

"...Oh well, color doesn't really matter. Besides, it's just this one time. I'll be able to change back later on."

"Hey Chloe, you made it!"

Player tore his gaze from his hand to see a purple figure approaching him. And to his great surprise, the figure was neither Ninja OR Engineer, ESPECIALLY judging by the starkly female voice she had.

"Did you change your hat? It looks good on you!"

"Huh? Chloe? Who's that?"

She paused for a moment when she processed the sound of his voice, then her visor widened with surprise.

"Oh...Oh my gosh, I'm sorry," she swiftly apologized. "Judging by the color, I thought you were someone else, but...It looks like you're not."

"Oh. It's fine," Player assured her, putting on a smile now that the misunderstanding was cleared up. "Is she a friend of yours?"

"Well, we only just met her, but...We sort of had to save her from a crazy situation. But since she's not here yet, I think it would be a good idea to call her and see if she's okay."

"What's this, a newcomer?"

A blue crewmate with a distinct Australian accent came over. He had a pair of leaves sprouting from his head, not unlike Stoner.

"Well, I can't say I've heard a voice like that at all recently. What's your name?"

Who's this guy? Player said to himself. I'm starting to think I'm not in the right lobby...

"Everyone just calls me Player. You?"

"Well my name's MrGrits. And I see you've already met Sandy."

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