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[SYNOPSIS: The crew failed to host a game on April Fool's Day last year, so they're psyched to do it now! But it turns out that things in the lobby are about to get wild...ESPECIALLY with Sheriff in the lobby this time around.]

[Location: The Skeld]


"Dum, I get that it's April Fool's Day, but do ALL of the pranks you pull on me have to be food-related?"

"Uh, yeah, maybe you've got a point...Sorry I replaced your almond milk with a salt and corn starch slurry. I thought the Lucky Charms would help to keep it from tasting TOO bad."

"Well, you better hope I hear the end of it from Dad after what happened."

It was safe to say that the Playson family had an eventful April Fool's Day breakfast. Player thought he'd seen the end of it when he witnessed his mother's gag of swapping his dad's coffee for cola completely backfire on her when he pretended to take absolutely no notice, which ended in her wondering if she'd messed it up and trying a sip from the mug herself. But the most disruptive part was when Player took a bite out of his cereal and got that unexpected salty punch from Dum's fake milk.

"Uh, well, at least you didn't spit any out onto Dad's food!"

"Yeah, like it could've been much worse...I suspected that egg on his plate was fake too, so that might've even done him a favor."

"What do you mean? Do you think it was...cake?"

"Mom's been watching a lot of Sidesurf Cake videos over the past week," Player replied as he headed into his room and sat down at his computer desk. "I wouldn't put it past her."

He sighed heavily...At LEAST the fiasco was over, and he could forget about it by logging onto Captain's lobby.

"Hey, are you gonna join us later?" Player asked. "I know you said you had to do a couple extra things around the house today, but you might be able to get on when you're done."

"Yeah, that's true. I'll see what I can do," Dum told him. "Oh, I better go wash up. Tell me if anything juicy happens!"

"Will do. I'd probably expect it."

With that, Dum left her brother's room, and the red crewmate opened up Among Us and cracked his knuckles as he looked at the loading screen with anticipation.

...But what he noticed once everything came into view caused him to do a double take.

"Huh...? Why do all the floating crewmates have...?"

The sight of what looked to be four-legged crewmates floating across the menu was BIZARRE. Was this supposed to be some sort of glitchy backdrop? Well, Player figured it didn't really matter as long as the gameplay didn't change.

"If the Skeld map really is backwards like it was the year before last, then I hope I can navigate the place alright," Player said to himself as he put in the lobby code Captain had put out for that week. One press of the enter button later, the menu faded to black and he was immersed into the game.

...A dark void surrounded him from in all directions, inky black and deathly silent.

What the...?

Player knew now that something was different. He could see nothing, hear nothing. But he felt...something. What was this strange tingly feeling he was-?


He lurched forward, a surge of pain washing over him. He gasped and sputtered for air, wincing as his spine stretched and elongated. His feet did the same, reaching out to the length of his calves in a matter of seconds. And the same happened to his hands, and even his FACE felt like it was stretching far beyond what it should. He couldn't feel his finger or toes anymore except for the center ones, which now felt large, thick and heavy. His nostrils flared as he panicked, and his ears pricked back. Player finally opened his mouth and tried to scream.

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now