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[Synopsis: By pure chance on New Year's Eve, two people cross paths and become acquainted. One thing leads to another, and the next thing they know, it's nighttime, and they're both sitting under the dim light of the waning crescent moon. It seems that neither of them have lived up to what they could be over the past year...Perhaps now would be the best time to change that.]

Location: The local marketplace, town and park

ALTERNATIVELY TITLED: two people who don't deserve love fall in love and i torture all of you with my written abomination. happy new year, suckers 😈


"Aight, let's see here...I don't need nothin' too fancy. Just enough to keep me awake while I wait for midnight, heh."

As Bro scanned the beverage aisle to see if there was any sparkling red grape juice left, he looked inside his basket to see what he had so far; a few party poppers, a taco kit, a few different hot sauces, and an air horn. He'd also made sure to pick up another gallon of milk and another bag of food for Mango, as well as some dried strips of the fruit his lovebird was named after as a treat for New Year's.

"Hope he likes it," he said to himself, checking the time on his phone; 8:06 p.m., it read. Not even four hours left until 2021 was over.

After about a minute of searching, he finally eyed the beverage bottle he'd been searching for and made his way towards it.

"Oh, dang. Is this the last one left?" he realized as he reached out to grab the bottle by the neck. "Well, ain't I-"

The very moment his hand took hold of the bottle, another hand belonging to someone else did the same, landing on top of his own.


The unfamiliar hand was much lighter than his own, sporting a bright cyan garb instead of cobalt. He looked up at its owner; a figure in a party hat who around his age, and she had a slightly annoyed glint in her visor.

"Oh..." she remarked plainly. "Were you going to get that?"

"Yes. Yes, I was," Bro nodded, pulling the bottle towards himself...along with the cyan crewmate's hand.

"You're gonna have to try a little harder than that, tough guy. I was here first."

She used her other hand to grab the neck of the bottle, her grip tightening. Bro did the same, and before either of them even acknowledged it, they were in a match of tug-o-war with one another over the bottle.

"I think it'd be a good idea for you to let go, lady."

"I'd say the same about you."

"Dang...You're strong for just some skinny girl."

"Oh, what? Just because I'm a girl, you think I'm some kind of pushover?"

"You guys know that if you drop that, it's going to have to be paid for, right?"

The third party voice came from the opposite side of the aisle, and they both turned to see a grey-clad employee stocking the shelves, having caught them in the middle of their squabble. The blue and cyan figures looked at each other, then at the sparkling juice bottle, then at the hard tile floor.

"Eh...You go ahead and take it," the cyan crewmate finally decided. "Whatever, I don't like the stuff that much anyway."

"Oh...huh...Alright, thanks," Bro replied, raising a curious eyebrow. "Uh...I think there's some white grape juice left on the lower shelf. You cool with that?"

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now