Baby, It's Cold Outside

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[Synopsis: It's not a very good idea to stay out in the cold for too long without enough warm clothes on...Unfortunately, MrCheese ends up learning this the hard way.]

[Location: TheGentleman and MrCheese's house]



At the startling sound of something hitting the living room window from outside, TheGentleman suddenly jerked his head up from the book he was reading and looked at the glass pane...There was a partially squashed snowball stuck to the window, looking like it'd been thrown right at it.

What in the name of...?

He peered outside, and to his great surprise, the charcoal-clad crewmate beheld a very large number of snowmates built across the front yard, a few snow Cheddars and other such sculptures mixed in with them, all glistening in the soft yellow light of the evening...MrCheese was working on yet another structure of some kind, piling up the snow into bricks and laying them on top of one another. He wore nothing to shield himself from the bitter cold but a single scarf.

TheGentleman headed over to the front door and slid his trench coat on, grabbing MrCheese's puffy blue jacket from the coat rack as well before making his way out the front door, stepping outside and into the snow.

"Oh hey, TheGentleman~!" his associate greeted him cheerfully. "I'm makin' a snow fort! You wanna maybe have a snowball fight or something?"

"Good heavens, MrCheese...How long have you been out here making all of this? It seems like it would take some time to craft so many snowmates."

"Uh...I dunno. Couple hours, maybe?" he estimated.

"Without your coat? Aren't you cold out here, MrCheese?" TheGentleman asked him, showing the orange crewmate his coat. "You should probably put it on; your scarf alone is probably not going to be enough to keep you warm."

"Nah, I don't need it, I'm fine! Besides, it'd restrict some pretty necessary movement in the event of a snowball fight; I need to be able to dodge and gather ammunition, don't I?"

"Well, yes, but I don't-"

"Come on, TheGentleman! You don't have to stay out here for too long; just a few minutes?"

The charcoal crewmate hesitated for a moment before looking MrCheese in the eye again...He had that adorable big-eyed look on his face.

"D'oh, well...Alright," he finally agreed. "But make sure you're not out here for too much longer, with or without a jacket; the forecast says it's going to reach down to -7° tonight for a low."

"Oh wow, that's pretty low, heh heh."

"Indeed. And I don't want you catching cold," TheGentleman added as he stooped down and made a snowball. "...But I wouldn't mind you catching some snow on your visor!"


With that, TheGentleman was after him, and they ran around the front yard, each in pursuit of the other with snowballs the whole time...As expected, MrCheese got more hits than TheGentleman did, and the former even managed to complete his snow fort in tie to duck beneath it at times while dodging his associate's throws.

"Hey! That's not fair! I don't have my own!"

"Sorry, but you didn't build your own, silly! Heh heh!"

"Oh, well...I guess I'll just have to use yours when the time is right myself!"

He did just that, and after about ten minutes of the fight, TheGentleman had gotten fairly good at dodging MrCheese's throws and aiming his own, evening things up a bit...They were outside for yet another ten minutes after that before the charcoal crewmate slowed down to catch his breath, and decided he had to be done.

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