The Great Werewolf Mystery-Part 1

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{Synopsis: At first, it seems like a normal round of Among Us on Planet Polus. But not everything is quite as normal as it seems...}

{Location: Polus outpost}


"Is that Toto, MrCheese?" Player asked the orange crewmate.

"Yeah, it is. I know I said things weren't really the same between us after he turned into a nasty zombie dog that one time, but I kinda started to feel bad for him, y'know? Kicked to the curb, all alone, with no one to turn to...So I figured I might as well give him another chance. Besides, Cheddar likes him pretty well, so maybe he can get a spot as a chef at Cheese Louise, who knows? Heh heh..."

"Man, I haven't seen him in forever. Glad you decided to take him back in."

He bent down to greet the little blue space dog and held his hand out for him to sniff...Toto seemed to like Player better than Cheddar did, because he affectionately licked his hand instead of growling at him.

"Yeah...Sorry about that whole zombie virus thing," Captain apologized. "It's not gonna happen again; that I can promise."

"Psh, yeah, you better," MrCheese retorted. "Or else we're gonna boot you off to the Cheater's Lobby. And MrEgg won't be taking the blame for you next time."

"MrEgg has nothing to worry about; my own earful from him after you guys got him out of there, anyways, so I know better than to mess with him...Besides, Player and I are practically inseparable on both ends now, so I have no reason to want to be a nasty hacker!"

"Heeeyyy, what about me, Cappy?"

Dum spawned in and approached him, nuzzling her visor against his cheek. Captain blushed a bright shade of pink as he returned the favor.

"You too, Dum. You guys are the best thing that ever happened to me...Anyways, now, is everyone ready to start up the game?"

Captain smiled as he asked if everyone was prepared. It was a good crowd today; himself, Player, Veteran, Dum, Rose and BDay, Gnome and Engineer, TheGentleman and MrCheese, Angel, Sheriff, MrEgg, Ninja and Stoner were all here, and they were all ready to get the show on the road.

"Thanks so much for coming, everyone," he told the crowd. "Let's make this next game a great one!"

They all cheered as he started the countdown, and just moments later, the dropship faded to black as it slowed down and landed on the desolate winter-ridden planet they called Polus.




The crewmates inserted their keys and went on their way. TheGentleman, MrCheese and Toto tailed behind Captain as they both headed into Electrical.

"Stick together, you two," Captain told them as he fixed the wires under the panel. You never know when someone could jump ya."

"Oh, MrCheese and I plan to stay together indeed," TheGentleman nodded as he downloaded the data, MrCheese shifting his weight from his toes to his heels rhythmically as he waited for his associate to finish, Toto walking circles around the duo. "So if I die, look at him. Ha!"

"TheGentleman, I told you I'm a crewmate this time," the orange crewmember insisted, pouting a bit. "Don't you trust me?"

"I wish I could trust you more, Beany boy, but you are a sneaky Impostor. You can never be too careful, you know?"

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