Perfect Match

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[Synopsis: The weather is nippy, and Engineer's favorite purple hoodie seems to have mysteriously disappeared...Odds are you probably know who took it.]

[Location: Gnome and Engineer's home]


Engineer slowly regained consciousness, his eyes fluttering open and the blurry room around him coming slowly into view...He could tell by the dull light coming from the outside window and the sound of the wind blowing outside that today was going to be a chilly Saturday.

Better put on something warm today, he told himself as he sat up and stretched, looking at the time displayed on his alarm clock...7:02 a.m., it read. And seeing that he went to bed earlier than he usually did last night, he decided that it was time for him to wake up.

He slowly slid off of his side of the bed and quietly tip-toed over to the dresser, being careful not to wake up his girlfriend. He got out of his fuzzy pajamas and stuck his signature goggles on his head, then pulled out the bottom right drawer of the dresser to fetch his favorite hoodie.

...Only to quickly find that it wasn't where it should be.

That's weird...I remember seeing it in here a few days ago, he said to himself, checking his other drawers to make sure it hadn't been misplaced somehow. But it wasn't anywhere in there, either.

He turned to face the bed, and his next discovery was that Gnome wasn't where he expected her to be, either. The covers on her side of the bed were pushed down, and judging by the sound of plates clattering out in the kitchen, she was probably already cooking breakfast.

Maybe she went to wash it, he surmised. Wait, but...It was in the drawer, and it was clean, so...she wouldn't have had any reason to take it out.

Slightly befuddled by the situation, Engineer opened the bedroom door and headed out into the main part of the house. The savory smell of bacon hit him so hard as he made his way towards the kitchen, he almost forgot what he was so confused about. But he didn't, and the moment he saw Gnome, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Hey, Gnomey? Have you seen my-?"

The next thing he saw was that she was wearing something purple over her bright lime green suit...And upon closer inspection, it was the very hoodie he'd been looking for.


Gnome turned to face him as she pulled a chair out from under the dining table, yawning a bit before giving him a smile.

"...Morning, Engie," she greeted him softly. "You sleep okay?"

"Heh...Y-yeah, I slept pretty well."

He found himself staring at Gnome a bit...He would be kidding himself if he said she didn't look absolutely adorable in it. She was a bit thinner than he was, so it looked slightly baggy on her, and the contrast of color between her and the hoodie went surprisingly good together.

Gnome looked down at her outfit, then back at Engineer, realizing what might be going through his head.

"Oh, Engie, were you going to wear this?"

"Uh, yeah, but it's fine. You can keep it on."

"...You sure?"

He nodded, taking a seat at the table across from her, looking over his delicious-smelling plate of bacon and scrambled eggs she'd whipped up.

"Sorry about that, Engie," she apologized to him. "I was cold when I woke up this morning, and that was the first thing I found, and...I-I was going to look for something else, but it was just so warm and soft, and it smells like you, so I just...melted right into it, I guess."

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