Warmth in Cold Places

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[Synopsis: The ever-essential heating systems on Polus malfunction during a massive blizzard, providing no warmth to the crew stationed there. With the resources they have at hand, paired with their increasingly important camaraderie, the team of ten is going to have to adapt and take necessary risks in order to pull through.]

[Location: Polus outpost]

And thus begins my longest one-shot yet...


"...Got it...I s-suppose we will...Th-thank you. Over and out."

Blowing into his hands in attempt to warm himself up a bit, TheGentleman stepped out of Communications and fought his way through the wind and blinding snow to get back into the office to break the news to the rest of the crew. He had a solemn look on his face as he opened the doors back up and came face-to-face with his fellow crewmates again...They were shivering like mad, and they all looked pretty miserable.

"Well...It's official," he announced, a chill running down his spine. "Th-the heating systems have been damaged b-by the recent blizzard, and it w-won't be s-safe for HQ to send a repair team out here f-for another three days. We'll j-just have to m-make due."

Everyone answered him with either a huff or a worried squeak...Gnome whimpered and buried herself further into Engineer's hold, and MrCheese wrapped the blanket he had a bit more snugly around himself.

"Y-you can't be serious..." Veteran grumbled. "It's a h-hundred degrees b-below out there, a-and it's gonna d-drop to that indoors h-here eventually. A-and you know a-as well as we do th-that our suits c-can't fight against th-that kind of cold. They're n-not doing m-much against it now...Wh-what are we gonna do?"

"Well..." TheGentleman answered thoughtfully. "Th-there is a gas burner in s-storage, and plenty of spare fuel to p-power it. If we had that, th-then it'd keep the office reasonably warm unt-til the repair team comes our way...Th-the problem is that s-someone would h-have to go out into the blizzard t-to fetch it."

"I'll go."

A vermillion hand rose up into the air from the crowd, and its owner stepped forward and adjusted the beanie on his head.

"Dude...A-are you sure?" Veteran asked him. "It's b-bad out there, m-man."

"Storage is just n-northwest of the Office here, r-right?" Player responded, doing his best not to shiver. "I-I should only b-be a minute or so...Someone's gotta do it."

"Well...You have a point," TheGentleman nodded. "But do hurry. I would not w-want you out in that s-storm for any longer than n-need be."

"Got it."

"Here, Player," Veteran said to him, handing him the blanket he'd just gotten done unfolding. "Y-you're gonna n-need it out there m-more than I do..."

With that said, Player bundled himself up as he approached the east office door, and the rest of the crew piled into the western end of the building; the further away they were from the freezing wind that would blow in when Player opened the door, the better.

They heard a hiss, the fearsome howl of the gale blowing outside, a few grunts, and then another hiss accompanied by the silencing of the wind and sound of the doors shutting.

"Okay..." Mother sighed. "Is everyone still alright?"

"About as a-alright as we c-can be..." Veteran replied. "Heh...I-I'm glad y-you found that s-stash o' blankets under the admin table. W-we're gonna need 'em."

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