"Not Bad for a Rookie."

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[Synopsis: The new guy in the lobby is still struggling with some of the tasks and game mechanics, and some of the group members are ready and willing to use his lack of skills to their own advantage instead of giving him a hand...Fortunately, the newbie's prayers are about to be answered.]

[Location: Polus outpost]


"Wait, which one did it say to press next?"

The blue crewmate with the wooly winter hat had been in the Specimen Room for pushing twenty minutes. The only task he had in there was to start the reactor, and he was having a lot more trouble with it than he expected. He always seemed to hit the wrong button during the final sequence; either he lost track of the order, or his finger slipped and he pressed the wrong one by mistake. And now he was certain he was about to make the same mistake again.

"Come on, come on, what was it. It was...top right, then center, then top center...or was it the center first? God, why is this task so hard...?"

"Uh, you havin' some troubles there?"

He looked up to see a familiar orange figure entering the room from the north hallway.

"Oh. Hey, MrCheese. Yeah, I can't seem to be able to finish this up; I can never get the sequence right."

"Well, don't worry, Rookie. You don't have to do it anymore!"

The blue crewmate's face lit up.

"You'll help me out?"

"Uh, no. You're the last person I need to kill so Stoner and I can win. And my cooldown just hit zero, so, nighty night."

"Wait, wh-"

Before he could try to run, MrCheese pulled out his pistol and shot him in the back of the head, killing him instantly. The screen faded to black, and then displayed the defeat screen, showing off the two Impostors.

Everyone spawned back into the dropship after that. While MrCheese and Stoner celebrated their victory with TheGentleman and a few of the others, Rookie kept himself isolated from the crowd, sliding down the wall and onto the floor, taking his hat off in despair.

"That's the third time something like that has happened today," he muttered to himself. "...Maybe I should just go find another lobby to play in if this is what people are gonna do to me."

"Oh, come on, now. I know they can be a little brash sometimes, but they don't mean to make you upset."

He looked up to see who the gentle voice belonged to, and beheld a banana-clad crewmate with a halo floating above her head.

"You think so, huh...?"

"Of course I do," she assured him softly, sitting down beside him. "I don't think we've met before, have we?"

"No, I guess not...Name's Rookie. Yours?"

"It's Angel. I don't come here quite as often as most of the other lobby members do, but I've been around for about as long as everyone else has."

"So you know your way around this game pretty well, then?"

"Oh, most certainly. You know, if you're still having trouble, I wouldn't mind helping you out with a few of your tasks the next round."

"Really? You'd do that?"

"It would be my pleasure."

"Hey, Angel! What's goin' on?"

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