For the Birds

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[SYNOPSIS: It all started with just a leisurely day at the park...and it ended with an army of crows. Well, if you happen to look like one, they're bound to take a liking to you.]

[LOCATION: Crewville Park]


"You see a good spot anywhere, Aiden?"

"Still looking...Oh, there's one! There are a few hangin' out by that bench."

The brown crewmate pointed over to the area in question, both he and his father spying a few sparrows scattered along the ground.

"Good eye, son," DrDoktor nodded, shaking the paper bag he had with him a bit. "One good way to make use of the stale bread and oats, isn't it?"

"I should say."

They both sat down on the bench, careful not to spook the small flock as they parked and opened up their paper bags, each tossing out a handful onto the sidewalk...The sparrows came quickly once they realized it was food, and the small group of four soon turned to five, then seven, and then a DOZEN before their very eyes.

"Wow...They really like this stuff, huh?" Aiden marveled.

"Indeed. Most birds aren't picky in the slightest," DrDoktor nodded. "They can't taste all that well, of course."

"No, huh? Well, they seem to at least like this better than seeds and bugs."

"For certain. Not as many people frequent here during winter, so a bit of extra food will help to sustain them until spring."

"Whoa, look! Here come some bigger ones!"

Aiden kept his excitement contained in a whisper as he spied some larger, more colorful birds begin to flock around them...A few house finches showed up to the feast, followed by a few pigeons, and...a cardinal! The bright flash of red among the browns and greys was quick to catch their attention.

"We must be really popular today, huh Dad?"

"I should say," the inky black crewmate nodded in agreement...As he continued to feed the flock of now mixed birds, he happened to spy another small group gathered around another empty bench not far away, waiting for a fill of their own.

"Aiden. There's another flock over there," he said to his son, pointing. "Perhaps you might like to offer them some of your feed. I'll take over for this flock."

"Good idea. Can't have these guys hogging all of it, right?" Aiden agreed, slowly standing up from the bench and making his way over to the other one. "I'll tell you if anything else interesting shows up!"

"I'm looking forward to it."

He watched as the brown-clad figure approached the other flock and sat down on the other bench...For the longest time, he thought there might never be a day like this again.

"And yet, here we are," he said, looking down at his congregation of birds as though speaking to them. "Our journey was long and harrowing, but it's all in the past. And in the past, we shall put it behind...There is no looking back now. Only-"

Before he could finish his sentence, all of the birds at DrDoktor's feet suddenly scattered into the air in an alarmed flurry of wingbeats.

"What in the...?"

The masked crewmate looked around for anything amiss, then spied something down on the sidewalk...The presence which had frightened off the birds was yet another  bird. But this large, shiny black specimen could never be mistaken for a sparrow or pigeon.

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