Fancy First Aid

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[Synopsis: MrCheese ends up getting his hand caught in one of the ship's automatic doors. As you can probably imagine, that's pretty bad...Fortunately, TheGentleman knows a thing or two about how to deal with situations like these. More GentleCheese fluff! (Why not? It's in high demand, isn't it?)]

[Location: The Skeld]



"Oh, blast it all..." TheGentleman muttered, his brow furrowing. "Whoever the Impostors are this round, they certainly are fond of shutting the doors left and right."

He'd just accepted the power to Security, and was just about to leave the room when the doors slammed shut in his face. That'd been happening a LOT this round. If the Impostors(or at least one of them) intended to annoy the crew as much as prevent them from completing their tasks in a timely fashion, then they were succeeding.


When they finally opened back up, TheGentleman hurried out of the room and went into the Upper Engine...Only for the doors in said room to shut on him there, too, just before he could make it to the next hallway.

"Ugh...At least I have most of my tasks done already."

He didn't know how he'd managed to do it, but despite the constant blocking off of rooms that was going on, he was able to get his tasks done faster than most of the other crewmembers, and he considered himself pretty lucky. He only had one thing left to do: finish inspecting the sample in Medbay. And once that was done, he had plans to camp in Admin to see if he spotted anything fishy on the map.

"When and if I find out who's doing all of this, I'll not only have them promptly ejected, but also give them a piece of my mind on the matter..."



The sudden scream coming from the opposite end of the door was quick to grab his attention. Initially, he was too startled by the call to recognize the person who made it, but once TheGentleman gathered his thoughts again, he realized who it was.

"MrCheese? MrCheese, is that you!?"

"HELP! TheGentleman, help me...!"

His cry for help quickly turned into actual crying.

"What's going on out there!?"

As if they themselves knew how concerned TheGentleman was, the doors slid open, and the black crewmate dashed out of the engine room as soon as he had the chance. He spied MrCheese by the Medbay doors, but nobody else was around; therefore, an Impostor was likely not the cause of his anguish.

He rushed over to where his distressed work associate was standing and skidded to a halt beside him, assessing the situation as quickly as he could.

"MrCheese, what-Oh my heavens!"

He quickly found the problem, but it only heightened his concern even more. The entire top half of MrCheese's right hand was caught in between the two sliding doors.

"How did you manage to do this!?" he spat, just as confused as he was worried...MrCheese failed to make much sense through his crying though; the only phrases TheGentleman could make out were "scan," "about to go in," and "in the doorway." He came to the conclusion that MrCheese must have just been about to enter the room when the doors shut on him, and his hand was, as luck would have it, in the doorway when they closed.

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