Tales Around the Campfire

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[Synopsis: Player, Dum, Veteran and Captain are all out camping...in the former two's backyard. Hey, it still counts as long as they're outside! Besides, they've got everything they need for the experience...especially some tall tales to send chills through each other's spines.]

[LOCATION: Player and Dum's backyard...duh. :P]


"...Isn't that your fifth s'more, Vet?"


The yellow crewmate in question swallowed as he turned to look at Player, wiping away the melted chocolate on his face with the back of his hand.

"Guilty as charged. Hey, there's no one here to lecture us about it or anything, so why not indulge?"

"He's got a point, buddo!" Captain chimed in, sticking another marshmallow on his skewer himself. "In fact, how about I make you another?"

"Oh, nah, I'm good...Maybe in a little while if we're still awake, though."


"Uh, Captain?" Dum said to him, nudging her boyfriend a bit. "You dipped it too far into the campfire again."

"Huh? Oh, JEEZ, AH!"

Captain immediately withdrew the now flaming marshmallow, waved it around and then blew it out with a strong puff of his breath, sending its melted, partially burnt remains right towards Player's face. Fortunately, the red crewmate dodged the projectile just in time, and it whizzed into the grass not far behind him...along with the OTHER splats of melted marshmallow goop which Captain had accidentally flung there earlier.

"...Guess it's a good thing my dad decided to mow the lawn today instead of waiting till tomorrow," Player remarked. "Doubt it's going to be growing much more this year, though."

"Yeah, you said it," Veteran nodded. "...Though by the looks of it, I wouldn't say the same about the leaves having to be raked. Autumn's in full swing, now."

"Sure is, compadre," Captain nodded, grabbing another marshmallow and positioning it substantially higher over the flames now. "There's something so romantic about autumn, isn't there, Dum?"

"Ohh, you said it Cappy. Summer's overrated. What do you like the most?"

"Hmm...Well, there's all the warm colors. And the smells of spices, and the cool breeze...Oh! And the seasons! You know we all get hyped up for Halloween around here."

"Not to mention," Veteran joined in. "The holy grail of holidays that is THANKSGIVING."

"Yeah, it's weird. That one doesn't really get the recognition it deserves a lot of the time," Player mused. "It's...kind of just seen as something to tide you over until Christmas sometimes."

"Dude, they have an entire PARADE dedicated to Thanksgiving! And that's ASIDE from all the grub!"

"Ah, yes. The Macy's parade," the red crewmate retorted. "The one with the elf balloons and toy shop floats and people spinning candy canes, oh and let's not forget the big Santa Claus  sleigh at the very end...Face it Veteran, it's just a Christmas parade scheduled a month too early."

"Speaking of too early, why are we even talking about this right now?" Dum asked. "I mean yeah, Player's got a point, but...why worry? Especially now; we're still not even halfway through the month yet. Halloween's next on our schedule of celebrations, not Turkey Day! Hee hee..."

"Dum's got a point. There's no need to worry about Thanksgiving stuff THIS early," Captain agreed. "In fact, given what's next on our holiday list paired with the dark setting, minimal lighting and chilly night air...why don't we get ourselves in the spooky spirit and go around telling scary stories?"

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