Second Chance

573 13 47

[Synopsis: Another movie is playing at the drive-in theatre, and Baggy is determined to confess his feelings to Blondie this time around, with NO interruptions...At least, he's as determined as he CAN be. Which isn't a whole lot.]

[Location: The drive-in movie theatre]

NOTE: SrQueso is in this


Okay...You can do this, Baggy. You just gotta pick up the phone, give her a call and invite her over. It's that simple. You can do that.

The orange crewmate wasn't entirely sure how long he'd been pacing around his apartment's living room, but the fact that he could see his footprints in the carpet now meant it had to have been for a while. It started off so simple; all he wanted was to ask Blondie to see one of the movies at the outdoor double feature with him, but then he kept going down the slippery slope of ideas from there.

You gotta do this soon, man! he told himself. Otherwise it'll be too short notice! And who knows when they're going to have the drive-in theatre set up again, it's been so long since the last one...

His finger hovered over Blondie's contact, shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. Why was he so nervous? He'd done this before, why was he still having such a hard time now?

Alright. Enough stalling, Baggy, he finally decided. On the count of three, you're gonna press the button and recite your lines. It'll be quick and easy! You'll be fine! Got that!?

He heaved out a deep breath, then spoke to himself aloud.





He nearly dropped his phone right onto the floor when it started ringing, and it took him a good few seconds of playing hot potato with it in order to get a good grip on it again...The caller in question was none other than the would-have-been callee.

"Wh-Blondie? She...she's calling ME? O-ohhhh, okay, new plan, new plan, gotta revise the script a little!"

He waited until the third set of rings before drawing in another deep breath and swiping the answer switch on the screen and mustered his most confident greeting, anticipating the worst...whatever the worst might be in a situation like this.


"Hey, Baggy! What's up?"

"Oh! Uhh...Not much. How about you?"

Okay, so far so good. She's doing most of the talking...which is fine...if she wants, I mean...

"Well, I just took a look at the community website, and it turns out the drive-in theatre's gonna be open again this evening, sooo are you free for tonight?"

"Oh...O-oh, yeah yeah! I'm free, totally free! Yeah, uh...You wanna maybe go down there this evening then?"

"Sounds like a plan, Baggy!" she chirped. "Okay, so according to the article, there's gonna be two separate screens on opposites sides from one another; they're going to be playing A Nightmare on Elm Street on the east end. It's more up-to-date in the special effects department compared to the last movie we saw there, so you think you can handle it?"

"Uhh...U-uh, who, me? Handle special effects? Sure I can! It's all just fake anyways, y'know? Heh"

"Okay, the movie starts at 7; since we only really need one car, how about I come over there and pick you up at 6 so we can stop for pop and candy somewhere first?"

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