The Great Werewolf Mystery-Part 2

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[Synopsis: With two crewmates already dead after just one night, things are growing tense. But even with several of the tasks down and the equipment faulty, there still may be a way to figure out who the werewolf is.}

{Location: Polus outpost}


"Hey, I know we're kind of in the middle of a crisis here, but hey! We still have a plate full of donuts here, don't we?" BDay told everyone, showing off one of the platters in an attempt to lighten the dark atmosphere.

Not everyone was in the mood to eat, though; everyone was either worried about their own safety or whether or not they were safe themselves, and some of them were still mourning Stoner and Veteran.

"You doin' any better there, Player?" Captain asked him, he and Dum still at his side.

"...A little bit," he replied softly. "I guess I'm just kind shock over what happened this morning...I didn't expect it to that. Especially so soon.

He felt Dum wrap him into another hug, and he hid his face into her hold...She could feel him starting to shake, and gently strokes his head to try calming him again.

"...I'm scared, guys."

"I'm scared too, Player," his sister whimpered, lifting his beanie back a bit so she could kiss his forehead. "...Just know that you're not alone, alright?"

"We're right here, Player," Captain assured him further, joining him and Dum in the embrace. "Both of us are."

He seemed to relax just a bit, and he hugged them both back in return...But his moment of peace was abruptly ended by another thought entering his mind.

...But what if you aren't here tomorrow? he feared, tensing up a bit as he squeezed them both tighter...He felt hopeless all over again.

"Well, the good news is that we know TheGentleman and MrCheese are both safe," MrEgg reminded everyone.

"True true," TheGentleman nodded, regaining a bit of the cheerfulness that he felt when he first got up. "So not all is quite so bleak and hopeless...You know, BDay, maybe I will have myself a refreshment or two. Are there any eclairs available?"

"Uh, no, sorry. Just regular donuts. Some of 'em do have chocolate, though."

"Oh. Well, that will still do jut fine!"

He grabbed one of them off the plate and took a bite out of it, taking in the smooth, sweet taste of the chocolate and forgetting his woes...His moment of bliss was brief, however. It was then that Engineer returned to the Office, a few papers in hand and the familiar look of disappointment etched across his face.

"Engie, you're back!" Gnome welcomed him, nuzzling her visor against his cheek...His frown turned slightly upside down at the gesture.

"Did you find out anything else?"

"I did...though not all of it is good news," he admitted, getting the attention of the rest of the crew before continuing.

"...It seems as though the sample inspector has now been affected by the virus in the game as well. I suspect this new malfunction has something to do with the deaths of Veteran and Stoner at the virus's hands."

"Well that's just great," MrCheese huffed, getting increasingly frustrated with the whole faulty task ordeal. "How are we gonna figure out who the darned werewolf is before they end up killing anyone else if we can't even get a DNA sample?"

"There are other ways of determining these kinds of things, MrCheese," the purple crewmate replied to him as he pulled one of the papers out of his small collection. "Here. I made this."

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