Baked Offering

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[Synopsis: Over the course of the past two months or so, BDay has been finding suspicious(but delicious) gifts on his dining room table every Saturday morning. Where's it coming from? And...what are those strange noises he's been hearing in his basement recently?]

[Location: Rose and BDay's house]


It wasn't the sound of an alarm that woke BDay up from his sleep, but rather the first few rays of sunshine peering in through the crack in the curtains...He stirred slowly, taking a peek at the rose-clad crewmate of similar name lying beside him.

Still asleep, he acknowledged. ...I wonder if this should be the day?

BDay carefully climbed out of bed, tip-toeing across the floor and to their bedroom door. Thank God it was summer, and the door was to be left open to allow better airflow into the room; she'd have heard him for sure if he had to turn the clattering knob twice...He sighed quietly as he left the room. He didn't like keeping secrets from her.

Still on his stubby, exosuit-covered toes, BDay turned the corner of the bedroom hallway and peered past the kitchen into the dining room...And there, he spied it.

Right on schedule, he said to himself, approaching the dining table to get a better look at the mysterious platter situated there.

...It was the same as always: a thick slice of funfetti cake, lathered with layers of buttercream frosting, decorated with candy flowers and topped with a dollop of whipped cream and a lit candle. It was presented on a beautifully painted miniature cake stand, beside which sat a red napkin intricately folded into the shape of a rose blossom, and BDay could tell by the smell of the creation that it was all homemade.

He pulled his phone back out and snapped a picture of the baked masterpiece...Ever since this had started happening two months ago, he was afraid that if Rose found out she would get the wrong idea and be mad at him. But he was determined to come clean about this today and show her the evidence. He was glad he got the picture of it.

...It would be gone by the time Rose came out. That cake wasn't getting any fresher sitting out like that, after all.

Quickly, BDay popped a breakfast blend pod into his coffee maker and brewed himself a hot cup of coffee, stirring in a single spoon of sugar and enough milk to turn it the color of a peanut shell. Then, finally, he sat down at the table, grabbed the fork and dug in.

Next time, I should save half of this for Rose, he decided. Hey, she's missing out, that's for-.

The sound of shifting coming from somewhere beneath his feet derailed his train of thought, and BDay tensed up where he sat...The moment he'd gone silent in order to try and pinpoint the source of the noise, it stopped.

That had been happening a lot frequently as well. He heard it sometimes during Friday evenings, and occasionally on Saturday mornings such as this one, but it was always inconsistent. At first, he thought it might be mice or rats that made their way into underground burrows beneath the house, but if that were the case then why would he only hear the commotion on very specific times and days of the week? Was there something else, or perhaps even SOMEONE lurking beneath the house?

...Did that maybe even have something to do with the slices of cake appearing every week?

The more BDay dwelled upon the matter, the more suspicious he became.

"...That's it. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this if it's the last thing I do," he determined. "...But not until after I'm done eating."

He shoveled another bite of the cake into his mouth, his previous state of indulgent bliss returning to him...If there really was a stranger lurking around, and if they WERE responsible for this strange occurrence, then at least he got cake out of it.

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