"I'll See You Again."

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[Synopsis: There was never anyone like Gnome in Engineer's life that brought him so much joy...Not even now is there anyone who could take her place. And with these things in mind, he manages to find some happiness for himself.]

[Location: Uh...Well, the setting should be obvious once you get down to reading. I don't want to spoil stuff right off the bat.]

HEADS UP: I wanted to try my hand at some angst, so this is gonna be heckin' angsty. I'm sorry if you expected fluff, but I wanted to shake things up just a tiny bit. There IS some fluff at the end, though. XP


The bright, shining sun beamed down on Engineer as he slowly walked along the beaten path. He refused to acknowledge just how beautiful the day was, though; in his eyes, it was always cloudy here, and the sound of the birds chirping in the trees above fell on deaf ears. All the purple clad figure heard was the sound of falling rain in his head.

A curious honeybee buzzed over and landed on one of the honeysuckles Engineer carried with him, sipping the sweet nectar still left inside one of the white blossoms hidden among the yellow daffodils. He paid it no mind; he wasn't afraid it might sting him, and if circumstances had been different, he might have been admiring it and studying its behavior, telling his dear Gnome all he knew about the insect as it flew about.

...But such things didn't interest him anymore. Especially when now, he could no longer do them.

The more he dwelled on that fact, the slower he walked. His vision clouded over with tears, and his breath shuddered.

Finally, he stopped, and looked down at what sat before him, barely five feet away...A smooth, granite headstone, with not only a hummingbird carved into it, but a name, two dates, and a statement from who it belonged to.



April 10th, 1999 - May 13th, 2022

"I'll see you guys again soon!"


Engineer stepped closer and knelt down, gently placing the bouquet of flowers at the foot of the grave, sniffling quietly.

"...Hi, Gnome," he whispered, his voice creaking. "...I brought you some more honeysuckle. And a few daffodils...Your favorite."

He was almost expecting an answer. The steady breeze that blew through the cemetery almost sounded like her voice.

"...Would you care to hear what's up?" he asked her. "MrCheese is opening a second Cheese Louise location on the other side of town. And MrEgg got in touch with one of his two older brothers...It sounds like they're trying to make amends. A-and Veteran...well...He won a cheeseburger eating contest the night before last, and Player said that when he got home, he ended up losing half of what he ate to the toilet bowl. Heh..."

He paused, half laughing and half crying, smiling a bit as he wiped away a tear as it fell from the corner of his visor...But his smile fell as soon as it'd appeared.

"...I wish you could be here, Gnome. I wish you could s-still be a part of all this. Without you around...I-I don't want to make it sound like I'm being a burden, o-or that it's your fault s-somehow, but...It doesn't matter how much I accomplish. I-I could win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, o-or be the first person to c-capture dark matter particles, or...s-some other third thing, I don't know, it doesn't matter...Nothing like that would ever b-be able to f-fill the hole in m-my heart that y-you used to be in..."

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