"I never caught your name..."

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daniel: You and your best friend were at the mall shopping for some shoes. As you two were looking at some cute doc martins, 3 cocky guys come in the store shouting and running about. One guy caught your eye, he was kinda short, and had an amazing smile. He was looking at a pair of uggs, which made you smile a little. "He's really cute." Your friend whispers in your ear. You jump a little. "Stare harder next time." She laughs. You laugh a little with her and go back to the shoes.
Off to your right, the three
Guys were whispering, slightly huddled. You pretended to ignore it and fiddle with the black heel in your hand.
You see the extremely cute guy start to walk towards you from the corner of your eye. Your friend smiles knowing he's coming to you.

"You know what big shoes mean." He smirks holding a large shoe. You've heard this joke. You were hoping he wasn't gonna be so cocky. "Ya I do. It means you have big feet, and I don't care." You scoff sarcastically and go back to your shoes. He scratches the back of his neck and looks to the floor. "Uh, sorry. That was a douche move." He laughs a little. You smile. "It's fine." You laugh. "I never caught your name?" He looks at you, smiling. "(Your name)" you smile, tilting your head slightly. "Daniel." He smiles as well.
Beau: you were walking home from the store, and as you pass an open lot you hear guy voices shouting and screaming. You peak around the corner, and all of them are trying to chug some disgusting orange drink.
You come out in full view and watch, laughing. One guy notices you, and it's obvious he's trying to show off. He takes a big gulp of the liquid. You cringe. Before you know it, he's vomiting everywhere.
You pick up your bags and start walking again.
You barely get across the street before the boy is running to you. "Hey hey, sorry you had to see that." He laughs. You cringe at the smell. "That was so gross." You wrinkle your nose and laugh. "Sorry, we are filming a video for our channel." He points back to the guys. You look up at him. "I promise we aren't all that bad." He chuckles. You giggle slightly. "So Um, I never caught your name?" He asks. "(Your name)" you say. He nods, "Beau." You both smile. "Wanna watch the rest?" He raises an eyebrow.
James: You were at the coffee shop down your street. It was 6:00 in the morning. You were wearing sweatpants, an extremely large tshirt that said 'Janoskians' on it. Your friend had left it at your house. You didn't have any makeup on and you had your glasses on. Your hair was up in an extremely messy bun, like not the cute kind.
You grabbed your coffee and sat down at a booth and pulled out your laptop out. You work for a magazine company, and you are working on the latest cover design. It's fairly quiet, until 6 boys enter. The youngest 5 are going crazy and there is also a smaller man looking obviously annoyed.

They sit down at the booth in front of you, and you glare at them. The tallest one looks up at you, and you quickly look back down at your laptop. You hear them all whispering, and one sentence sticks out to you. "She's wearing our shirt, man!"
They're the Janoskians?
Panicking, having no idea what to do, you start packing up. They continue to whisper and stare. You look like crap, they can't see you like this. You grab your backpack and slip out of the booth. You walk up to the counter, "can I get a lid for this, please." You smile. The little lady pops it onto your cup. You thank her and begin to make your way to the door. As you grab the handle, someone gently grabs your upper arm. It's the tallest one. "You a fan?" He smiles. "This is my friends." You look down, nervous. "It's all good." He laughs a little. "So uh, I'm not trying to be so forward but can I get your number?" The tables turn, now he's nervous. "You don't even know my name?" You laugh. He looks up at you, "well, I'm James. And your name?" "(Your name)" you look up at him, smiling.
Jai: You were on a ship with your boss and a couple coworkers. You work for a clothing brand and are traveling to Europe for a meeting. You just finished getting ready, and are going to get some coffee.
I was in my room with Luke, when outside the window I see a girl. Something about her just... I felt something. Without thinking, I ran out the door. "Where are you going." Luke called. "I don't know!" I shouted back. I dodge a bunch of people, when I finally saw the girl walking into the restaurant way up ahead. I walked a little faster, until I was finally there a few minutes later. But I couldn't see her anywhere. I ran up to the counter. "There was a girl in here. Wearing light wash skinny jeans, a grey sweatshirt. About yay tall." I motioned with my hand. "Out the back doors." The guy chuckled. I smiled back and ran after her.
You had gotten your coffee, and were now on your way to find a seat to work. Suddenly, behind you, you hear multiple girl screams. You turn around, before being grabbed by the arm and drug into the nearest janitors closet. The door slammed shut, but you could barely make out what was going on. "God." You breathed out, rubbing your head and standing. "I am so so sorry." A thick Australian accent greeted you. When your vision became less blurry, You could see the angelic face before you. Danggggg boy.
"Sorry." His eyebrows furrowed. "What's happening?" You ask gesturing to the girls banging on the door shouting "jai!"
"Well, I'm jai. And I'm apart of a famous boy group." He smiled nervously. "Then why am I here?" You laugh, heading for the door. He turns you around, "trust me. You don't want to do that." His eyes go wide. "Well, Jai (you exaggerate his name) I am (your name) and I am not a part of a famous boy group. Why should I not go out there?" You glance up at him, curious for his answer. "Because I just chased you all over this ship, just to ask you what your name was." He smiled. You instantly became nervous. Your face flushed red. "Can I ask for your number?" He asked, slightly flustered. You eased up, and nodded. As he entered your name in his phone, you both laughed at the silence.
Luke: You and your "squad" were on your way to Australia. The 4 other girls were all grabbing coffee, and you were sprawled out on the bench, half asleep. Your best friend came to wake you up, and you began walking around.
Soon enough, you were on the plane. Your 4 friends were all in a row together towards the back, and you were by yourself towards the front. First thing, you slipped in your headphones. You stared out the window, not even noticing the guy who sat next to you.
The entire plane ride he was trying to start a convo with you, but you couldn't hear him. The flight was 5 hours. You slept 3 of them, and the other two you had your earphones in.

It was the end of the flight and the boy next to you was asleep. People were getting off the plane, so you decided to wake him up. You tapped on his shoulder. He jumped, making you jump. "I'm luke." He shouted. "The planes unloading. You looked horrified. "Sorry, sorry." He laughed. Both of you started getting off the plane. Inside, you saw your four friends. You began walking over to them. You jumped slightly at a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Luke. You smiled, as did he. "I never caught your name..." He scratched the back of his neck. "(Your name)." You copied his actions. "Well, I never caught your number either." He smirked. You laughed, and the 2 of you exchanged numbers.

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