(not a preference)

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okay so this is like my crush/boy story thing that I talked about a bit ago. I'm kinda over it now but ya know my minds all over the place.

okay so basically a while ago I had that crush on that bad boy guy that I couldn't like, well that's over. We talked a lot and I thought he may have liked me but turns out he didn't lol

then I had a small crush on this kid, I'm just gonna use the first letter of his name, H. but that didn't last long either lol. I don't even have to get into that story.

then (and still) I got this crush on B, a boy I have absolutely no chance with. he had a thing with my friend Makenna though, and she is actually perfect. annnnd this boy, C, that I've had a crush on since 6th grade has a thing with Sarah, another perfect best friend. but I've learned to just have a crush on C lol

anddd the bad thing is none of these boys are going to the same high school as me AND MAKENNA JS GOING TO A DIFFERENT SCHOOL WHICH KILLS ME.
but lol that's confusing and kinda boring but I thought it was weird because I NEVER have crushes. It's always been C lol.

thanks for listening!! haha you guys can always ask me about myself because tbh I like doing this kinda stuff haha. that made me sound so stuck up but I promise I'm not like that lol sorry okay I'm don't now bye lol okay now bye lol


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