You walk out. (Not a breakup)

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Daniel: Recently, you have been feeling really down. Like really really down. You had a phone call with your doctor, and he said you might have depression. You went to go lay with Daniel on the couch. He was on the couch because he is slightly sick and didn't want to get you sick.

You lay beside him, and try to put your arm around him. He's sits up, and groans. "What (your name)." He says harshly. "I- I just came to lay with you." You stuttered. "There isn't any room. Go away." He huffs, laying back down. With the emotions, from the phone call, and now the emotions from Daniel telling you to go away, you stomp off. You turn on the living room light and Daniel jumps up agian. "What the f***?" He asks, rubbing his eyes. You angrily grab your shoes and slip them on, and grab your car keys and wallet. "Don't worry Daniel I'll let you sleep. I'll go ahead and let you sleep the whole night." You started walking off. "Where are you going?" He asked, some sorrow in his voice.

"Don't come looking for me." You say, glaring at him through your tears. You just need a break.
Beau: it's 3:36 in the morning. You hear the front door open and Quickly stumble downstairs in only a tshirt. He stumbles in, looking around. "Hey baby." He slurs when he sees you. "Beau, come lay down. I'll help you in bed." You try to take his hand, but something stood you. His hand. On your face.
He slapped you.
How could he? You turned to look back at him, holding your face with tears in your eyes. "Beau.." You breath out. "Who do you think you are? I'm not just going to go sleep with you whenever you want!" Beau shouts. You just stare at him, in disbelief. He walks over and flicks off the lights. "I'm sleeping in the couch." He simply states. "And you will be for a long time." You say, throwing a pillow at him. You stare at him one last time, and can almost see some sorrow. But you ignore it, and stomp upstairs, slamming your bedroom door behind you.

James: James got back from a meeting with the Lions Gate and the Boys. You spent your afternoon making you and him dinner, and set the table up all pretty.

James came stomping in the door, and instantly you knew something was wrong. "You okay?" You asked quietly. He leaned against the counter, his head in his hands. "They cancelled the movie. They just blew us off for some other people." James huffed. He still doesn't know about the food in the kitchen. You try and go in for a hug, to try and cheer him up. He doesn't hug back. He pushes you away, "wth (your name) why are you so clingy?! Just back off for a little!" He shouts. You step back. "Fine. Then go enjoy your dinner by yourself." You scoff, pushing past him. He tries to grab your wrist, but you rip it away and continue walking. You get out the door, and slam it behind you.
Jai: You and Jai are sitting on the couch, watching a movie. Your on your period too. So it makes it soooo fun.

You two were cuddled togetherc but every other minute you would adjust and groan a little.

The movie got almost to the end, and you got a horrible cramp. You groaned loudly, sitting over and holding your stomach. "Just shut up!" Jai shouts. You look at him. "You're so whiny! Just stop!" He sighs. You quickly stand up, and stomp your way out to the hall. You barely get out of the hall before you get a cramp and have to stop. "Oh, babe, are you on your-" he begins. You turn around and glare at him, not saying a thing. He is obviously taking back what he said. You continued on your way upstairs, and could hear Jai far behind you.

Luke: Luke had been on the computer all day, but you had some news. He's going to be a dad. And you're going to be a mom.

It was obvious Luke wasn't getting off any time soon. You made your way, with the pregnancy test hidden by your side.
"Luke? Can we talk?" You smile, sitting next to him. "Can't you see I'm busy." He scoffs. "Luke it's really really important." You try and explan to him. "I'm sure it can wait." He stares you coldly In the eye. You stand up, and he continues to stare at you. But he noticed the hurt in your eyes, and his eyes soften. You feel the tears coming and you throw the pregnancy test onto the couch next him. You quickly begin walking out of the house, and hear Luke calling your name.

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