friendzone > part 2

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you drove home in silence, and sat in your room crying for quite some time. why does this have to happen? you love daniel for so many years, and then when you finally get a boyfriend he tells you he loves you back? you cry harder at the thought.
slowly, somehow, the pain and tears seem to rise into anger. is it anger? no. yes?
you stand to your mirror, wiping the excess black smudge from below your eye. doesn't help. you groan and ignore it, and rush to your car. as you drive to daniels house, people stare through the window at you. well if you saw a girl with raccoon makeup and a nest for hair, you would stare too, right?
finally, you pull into his driveway and march to the door. his older brother, steven answers. his eyes widen when he sees you, and he steps out of the way. you take a deep breath and jog up the stairs to daniels door.
you open the door, and suddenly all of the confidence has leaked out. you focus on you feet as you shut the door behind you.
without another second, daniels muscular arms are around you, holding your arms down. you can hear him sniffling, and you cry too. you hug for what seemed like hours, until he loosened his grip. "I'm so sorry. I thought you would hate me. wait, do you hate me?" he asked. you shook your head, but couldn't find any breath to scream no. you reconnect your body to his, "daniel I love you too." you smiled on his shoulder. "like love love?" he asks, and you can't hold back the grin. you nod, and he squeezes you tighter.
you drove home as quickly as possible to your empty house. you didn't bother to change. you slipped off the tight uncomfortable dress and climbed into your bed. you took the few bobby pins out and threw them, continuing to cry.
finally, you let your mind go blank and the tears slowly stopped.

you woke up on your stomach, and slowly pushed your self up on your hands. your mind was blank, and it took a second to remember who you were. you flung your naked legs over the side of the bed and squeaked when your cold feet came in contact with warm bare skin.
you pulled back, and suddenly Beau jumped up. "why are you on my floor?" you scream loudly. "I came after you last night, but you were already asleep." he said back, frantically trying to realize where he was as well.
all of the memories of last night flooded back. you glared at him. "(your name) please believe me. I honestly though she was you. I was so wasted, and I completely regret it." he cried all in one breath, kneeling on the floor onto the bed.
you try and remember the girl. she was wearing a dress like yours, and she had the same hair color, and she was the same height as you. you sigh, and shiver when you feel a breeze. you look down and realize your still only in your undies and bra. you pull up the covers, and look at beau. both of your faces turn red, and he nervously plays with his fingers. "there is one thing I don't regret though." he says quietly. you wait for him to continue, and he looks up. "falling in love with you."
you fell forward onto beau, hugging him tightly. he sunk into you as well, and you finally realized; he's in love with you too.
it was already 2 in the morning, and you had climbed into bed. you stayed up to wait and see if james would really come back for you. but, nothing.
you laid down, choking down tears. but, you sit back up when you hear the creak of the front door. you jump from your bed, and run out of your room. you lean over the ledge of the balcony, looking to the front door. you see james, and he looks up to you. his eyes are red and puffy. It's obvious he had been crying.
"she stood me up." he shrugs. you see his lip tremble slightly, and you can't stop yourself from running down the stairs and wrapping yourself around him. you led him to the couch, only having one light on. "tell me what happened." you demanded, as gently as possible. "I waited at the coffee shop for her, and she never came." james was staring at the floor.
you thought about it, and a small laugh escaped. he looked up at you, "is that funny to you?" he asked. "no, no! I just though of something." you swallowed. "what?" he asked. you looked up, and he was staring intently at you. you were going to tell him.
you took a big breath, "while you were there, waiting for her, I was waiting here for you." you said quietly. when he didn't respond, you cleared your throat. but when you looked back up, you were surprised to be pushed back when he slammed his lips to yours. and at this moment, you couldn't be happier.
you had eventually fallen asleep, but couldn't get the image of jai with all those other girls, doing exactly what he does to you. and knowing, it means nothing what he does to you.
suddenly, you are woken by your front door slamming shut. you sit up enough to see who it is.
jai. you stand up, anger boiling on the tip of your tongue. "well good morning princess." he laughed, joking about how you look. you glare at him. "wait, have you been crying?" he asks seriously, squatting slightly to look into your eyes.
"I'm sick of this jai." you say.
"huh?" he asks, looking to you seriously. "wait (your name) what's up?" he asks, trying to grab your waist. you roughly push his hand away, "don't touch me." you huff. he puts his hands up in surrender. "what the hell are you talking about?" he asks, confusion clear on his face. "wait is this about me not coming over to finish the movie last night? because scarlet-" he began. "no jai. you can't go blame it on her. it's about you, how you treat girls," you step forward, looking up at him because of the height difference, "you treat them like toys and don't ever care about their feelings. not even me. yes we are best friends, and yeah you and me are close. but when you blow me off to mess with another girl, and then blow her off eventually too? how dare you?" you shout, and jais face is filled with so much emotion you can't even tell what it is.
"I- I don't- I'm so sorry." he stuttered. in that second, you broke. you fell to the floor, head in hands, crying. he followed you, and held you. he held you so tight, you could almost feel the broken pieces molding together. "I'm going to fix this." he whispers.
you waited for luke to come back downstairs, when he was ready to leave. "let's go pick up jamie. you know where her house is, right?" he asks, tossing his keys to you. You guys have a system, and it's you turn to drive. "actually, I think it would be better if she didn't come." you set his keys on the dining room table. "why not?" he questions, turning off the tv in the living room. "I want it to be just you and me." you smile, hoping he'll understand. "well she's my girlfriend, I think she deserves to come with us." he says in a 'duh' tone. "girlfriend? when did this happen?" you ask, leaning and resting your hands on the table. "what's it to you?" he asks, sassily. it feels as though he just slapped you in the face. "well, I'm your best friend. I think I deserve to know." you ask, just as sassy. he gives you a stare you've never gotten from him before. "yeah, youre just my best friend." he swiped up his keys. "so are you coming with us or not?" he bites. you can't speak. "you're just my best friend." his words replayed in your mind, before he stomped to the door, "let yourself out then." he gave you once last look, which didn't quite reach your eye, and then he slammed the door shut.
it wasn't even three minutes later when you were about to head out the door, but jumped back when it opened for you. luke came back inside, and stood close in front of you. "who am I kidding? you're so much more than my best friend." his lips gently collided into yours, pushing you back slightly. luke caught you though, by grabbing your waist. you kissed back, pulling him as close as possible.

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