fight with boyfriend // part 1

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You boyfriend Nick and you have been dating for 7 months now, but lately he's going to the bar more frequently.

You were lounging around your house, and Daniel was up in his room. Your mom works late so she was gone.

You suddenly hear a car door slam outside your house.

You rush over and peek through the window and see Nick wobbling up to the front door. You open the door and begin walking to him, he obviously needs some help. "Go away. I don't need your help." He states simply. You stop in place, and he continues to try and walk straight. "I said go away you sl*t!" He shouts making you jump slightly.
You see the anger in his eyes, and you know that something's wrong.
You and Matt, your boyfriend, are super close. You guys haven't seen each other in a couple days, and you miss him.
It's 10:30 at night, and your in bed. Beau is in his room asleep, and so is your mom.
You decide to text Matt.
"Come over :) everyone's asleep and I miss you xx"
You get onto Instagram and wait for him to text back. 5 minutes pass by and he still hasn't texted back, you knows he's not asleep because he said he was hanging out with his friends tonight.
You were sure he meant guy friends, right?
You decide to text him again.
"Heyyy baby, I forgot you were at party thing tonight :p maybe come over after?" You lay down, with your phone on the bed next to you.

You then get a text.
"He won't be coming over tonight ;)"

You sit up and examine the text, and your heart drops. Maybe his friends are messing with you?
Or maybe not.
James// (keep in mind your 13)
You were in the living room, with James. Your dad and mom were out on a date, because he just got back from a business trip.

You were texting your boyfriend, Caleb. You know that middle school relationships don't mean anything, but you don't care. You really like him.

You had started a normal conversation, but he was acting weird.
"What's up? You seem weird 😛"
"Um, well there is something on my mind"
You sit up, getting nervous. You catch a quick glance at James, who is fully concentrated on his phone.
"spill it :)"
"I think we should break up." You feel your chest tense up and you inhale a sharp breath of air.
"we never talk, and plus I just don't really want a relationship right now" (a/n: omg I'm laughing cuz middle school relationships suck)
You let your phone fall into you lap and your eyes start to blur. When you sniff, James looks over.
You needed a new dress for your date out with Garret tonight, your boyfriend.

You texted him asking him what he was doing today, and he said he was staying home.

Jai and Beau and Luke had James and Daniel over, and they stayed home. Your dad went out with some friends. You decided to go to the mall.

You were scanning through some beautiful black dresses for the fancy restaurant he was taking you too. You finally found one, and decided to buy it.

Your face went red when your stomach growled loudly. Luckily, no one looked over.
Yo decided to run into the food court and grab some pizza.
As you walked over, you were on your phone.

The closer you got to the food court, the more familiar a certain voice got.

It was Garret's. You looked up, and sure enough he was there with Sarah, a girl from school. They were laughing, and the more you watched the more your heart fell. She looked over, and looked back down immediately. Garret turned to see, and his eyes went wide when he saw you. You felt a tear drop, but you quickly wiped it away and began running for the exit.
You were hanging out with Emma, your best friend.
She sat at the dining room table, and you stood in the kitchen heating up some leftover pizza.
"Hey, (your name). Can I talk to you?" She asked, fidgeting with her fingers.
"Yeah." You smiled and slid the pizza to her.
"You know how you left early from the party last night?" She asked, her face going pale.
"Wesley (your boyfriend) and I were messing around, talking about how we missed you. And we sort of kissed."
You stood up. "Why would you do that?" You shouted.
"It was an accident. We both regret it, we just got caught in the moment." She looked as though she was going to cry. "It meant nothing." She said.
The room went silent.
You walked to the front door and grabbed your bag and slipped on your slippers. She watched as you opened the front door. Both of you were in tears. "Well it meant everything to me."

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