What You Do For Him When He's Stressed

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guys message me please. Need more people to talk to. I don't care who you are or what we talk about. Please I wanna get to know you guys :)

Daniel: Daniel likes to work out when he's stressed, it helps him forget about everything and it keeps him healthy. If that doesn't work, I'm sure a hug will.

Beau: When Beau is stressed all he wants to do is get away from it all. Now that you have a kid, you would think the random trips would stop. But no, you take her with you, driving around with no destination.

James: James says all he needs is you when he's stressed. He wants to hold you, kiss you, hug you, cuddle you, and love you. You're his everything and he can't live without you.

Jai: Jai needs fun when he's stressed. You and Jai normally go out and pull pranks in movie theaters, malls, restraunts, anything to get his mind off of whatever is bothering him.

Luke: Luke needs sleep. But not any sleep, he needs to be cuddled with you. You lay on top of him, and he holds your waist. He plays with your hair until both of you fall asleep. If that doesn't work, he likes to sing to you and play guitar.

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