you miss him (cheating series end)

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Daniel: After ignoring that phone call, you can't handle it. Yes Daniel messed up but you don't care right now. You know he loves you and you know you love him.
You pick up the phone and he instantly answers.
"(Your name)!" He says excitedly.
"Hey Daniel. I'm at the hotel on 29th street. I miss you." You cried.
"I'll be right there babe. I love you." He cheered. You got up, walking to the window. It was raining, and the weather represented exactly how you felt.

10 minutes later Daniel was knocking on your hotel door. You opened it slowly, revealing a panting, wet Daniel.

You stared at him in awe.
"You ran here?" Your eyes widened. He nodded, breathing heavily. "I miss you (your name)." He simply said. "I miss you too Daniel." You choked on your words. He wrapped his arms around you, and you slowly sunk into him.
You had sat in your room all morning, not crying, just thinking. The only thing on your mind was Beau. Beau knocked on the door, and you slowly got up to see him. "I brought you breakfast." He said shyly, holding a plate of your favorite breakfast on it. "I don't want breakfast Beau." You said. "Okay. when you get hungry, tell me. I'll bring you something." He said quietly, about to walk away. You grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "I want you. I miss you Beau." You cried. "(Your name) I miss you too. I love you so much." He smiled hugging you tightly.
Two days passed by since James's call and you had been so alone. You have been Wandering around your house, doing literally nothing. You felt so worthless. It hurt, a lot. But you couldn't stop thinking about James. You felt stupid and played at all once. But you still wanted James.
You were on the couch, when James came rushing in the front door. No words were said, you two ran to each other and you jumped onto him. Both of you were crying, you hated being separated for so long. "There is no other girl in the world, that I could possibly love the way I love you." He whispered.
Jai: You sat back to back, with only a door separating you. Jai was pleading for you to come out. You wanted to go out there and hug him and kiss him. You want him so bad, just to hold him.
"(Your name) I love you. I wish you could understand that I didn't mean to hurt you. I just, I missed you. I found someone to fill in for you which was a horrible idea. And now I hate myself.
I love you (your name)" Jai whimpered outside the door.
You started to understand, forgive, but you never stopped loving Jai. You slowly opened the door, and Jai stared at you. He was on his knees, so when he went to hug you he wrapped around your waist. You slipped down next to him. He stared into your eyes, and then kissed you. It was the same as any other kiss,
But it felt so much more loving at the moment. You slowly separated, "god I missed that." Jai smiled.
You stood facing Luke, hand over heart. The sorrow and fear of hurting you showed clearly in his eyes. "I didn't mean to I was stupid and had too many drinks. Please (your name) please let me talk to you." He cried. You turned around and walked into the house, and he followed. Beau took chelsey outside, and you faced Luke. You were still in tears, but so was Luke.

"I can't believe what I did either. But I didn't mean to hurt you. I truly never want to see you hurt by anyone, and it kills me that I was the one who did. I love you. I love you more than anything in the world.-" before Luke could go on, you collapsed into his chest hugging him. He slowly sunk into you, engulfing you. You didn't say a word, and neither did he.

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